
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:44:31
求AP经济学词汇表 我现在在美国学ap心理学 想请教几个单词 求!dependent variable independent variable 穆罕默德在建立统一阿拉伯国家中的作用差不多80~100字就行,超出或少一点点没关系! 穆罕默德建立政教合一的阿拉伯国家历史总结 穆罕默德创建的阿拉伯国家是奴隶制国家还是封建国家?穆罕默德最初创立的阿拉伯国家属于那一种社会类型? h3c ap 1208E-GP瘦ap怎么转换成胖ap? “这篇作文写得很好除了有些拼写错了”用英语怎么说? 介词后边加宾格还是主格 如he is the same age as him 还是he 或者用mine 关于定语从句——what的用法what 是引导什么定语从句的呢?最好举个例子, 什么是动词,介词,主语,助动词,宾格,主格等 穆罕默德二世为什么是奥斯曼人?穆罕默德一世不是阿拉伯人吗 世界上有多少叫穆罕默德的人? 以b开头英文词组 把这个英语句子改成被动句He doesn't show the stamps to me.Every body likes this song. 如何判断一个英语句子是被动句还是主动句 请英语高手帮我改写两个句子被动句与主动句的转换,急求 谢谢了:改写成主动句的形式The coffee beans are picked from the trees and dried in the sun, then the beans are roasted and then cooled rapidly before being ground 英语中主动句变被动句?主动句:we saw him sitting there without doing anything.变为被动句后是:He was seen to sit there without doing anything. 懂英文的朋友进来阿.Trust me,you will be ok.Just try to believe yourself can perform miracles.Life goes on,everything is changing.­ 英语翻译Warning!cpu has been changed or cpu ratio changsd fail please Re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and remember to save before quit! 介词填空:Please come to my twelfth birthday party( )P.M.( )saturday.急 他将参加男子1500米比赛.他们打算去外国度假.或许他们下学期会结交许多朋友 英文助我,快,快,快 我母亲每年都出国度假的英文和谐音 clean\clean out\clean up\clean down\clean off有什么区别呀、需要简单易懂的答案、、 创新——英文怎说?“创新能力”呢?能否有creative 英语是谁创造的? MV里他俩说的话什么意思啊? 是谁创造了英语? 나 너 좋 아 해 요是什么意思恩恩 如题 나 방우 좋아해 意思 解释一句VOA解释第一句即可,第二句用于了解文意.前文大意:美国独立战争爆发后.The political and economic developments of the American Revolution concerned not just the Americans and the British.European nations were watc 一句VOA解释That is why most states approved the new Constitution only on condition that a Bill of Rights would be added.only on conditin……这里很迷惑,因为它的意思不明白,所以它接着的that从句后面的意思也显得有点 VOA中一句话as far as 前文大意,一个以前长期以捕鱼为生的渔民现转营为人工养殖,并说因为渔获现在一年比一年少.他的孩子也在上人工养殖的课程.然后就有了这句话:I look into the future,I can't s