
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:15:42
在线英语改错A:Let's get ready going to the company picnic.( ) B:OK.First,we need to preparing 改错 we're going to look our first teacher this year 英语翻译请哥哥姐姐们帮我翻译翻译.. 我和爸爸去购买树苗的英文怎么说 蛇吃了个青蛙几天不用喂它?_? missing on my 听网友说那是布兰尼.斯皮尔斯一首叫LUCKY的歌里头的一句他似乎错了,是MISSING IN MY LIFE i miss one's in my life i miss yuo 是什么意思啊马上要miss 不是小姐的意思吗 这道题需要看过红楼梦的人来做,《红楼梦》描写了( )、( )、( )、( )四大家族的兴衰史,同时也向我们讲述了( )和( )凄美的爱情故事.望快些. 请问下 阿赖耶识是宇宙的本体吗?还有 三界唯心 It was all for you why I changed myself.But now we can not even go back to the way we were 什么意思 Even were Germany to win,which looks unlikely,Mr Klinsmann might prefer to go back to California.even,倒装,假设.麻烦分析一下这句. Go ahead,even if slowly but never go back. 用方框中单词完成句子 buy some borrow some turn on the light get it cut go to sleep watch mine1.If the oranges are cheap,_________________.2.If the TV is broken,______________________.3.If she is tired,__________________________.4.If I have some animals turn their food into f___ and store it Even if it isn't your ideal situation .it may well turn out to be some day in the future 求翻译 商店的英文 完全合并是什么意思? My next-door neighbor and fellow mother,Christie,and i were out in our front yardswatching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down 帮翻译一下. so what happens here is we have a morden day analogy for what the oceans were a like in terms ofboths the chemistry and the biology.翻译? 双连合并是什么意思啊? Could you get some apples for me on your way home,mom?A put up B put away C take up D pick up请说明原因, withdrew the offer of surrender upon hearing the terms 翻译 stop acting like spoilt children啥意思!帮我查下! 帮我看看这是什么语法On what basis were the Southern states to be brought back into the Union?•On what basis were the Southern states to be brought back into the Union?这个句子里state厚的to do是怎么回事 然后为什么用 高三语文怎么提高成绩 高三语文英语如何提高成绩? 如何短期内提高语文成绩,急死 rather like a spoilt child,he can force you into feeling that his survival depends on your () presence and care .A constant B repetitive C numerous D intense 语文考来考去不及格 真的不知道怎么办 就差几分就及格了 Are you running.有错吗 怎样解决中国基本经济问题最好简练些,