
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:09:12
无厘头系咩意思! blue have been to somewhere的解释I have been to Hawaii for 2 weeks.我去了夏威夷两个礼拜.I have been to the hospital,nothing serious我去过医院了,不严重.两个have been to 不一样. they don't like to drive in city traffic什么意思they don't like to drive in city traffic这句话要怎样翻译? please lay the book open on the desk.请问这句话为什么有2个动词啊,please lay the book open on the desk.请问这句话为什么有2个动词啊,一个是lay,一个是open,句子一般只能有一个动词吗, Once the storm,all right strategy! It is _____ today.(storm) i am going to be sick为什么要用be? traffic 什么意思? traffic什么意思? Traffic在工作职位上是什么意思 traffic的中文意思是什么?Jack had a traffic accident.这句顺便帮我翻译一下! The twin brothers ar identical in appearance and no one but their parents can tell them apart.大概理解后面的意思,但是看每个单词进行翻译就不清楚了. After the earthquake,the communication system also___,which made the rescue work even more difficulA.broke up B.broke down C.broke out D.broke off 我们考试答案是D选项,我选择的是B项.请问为什么不能选B项啊? love the way you lie MV是什么故事我想知道http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk1Njc2MTU2.html 这首歌的MV 想讲述一个怎样的故事.拍的太霸气了 以至于我愣是没看懂.看懂的砖家 给我讲下呗.这首歌 和MV 都讲述 E traffic是 traffic traffic是什么意思 from的同义词 time(次,次数)造句,八上 they don't like to drive in city traffic. Kate is _____ taller of the twins,but she's a little thinner.A.the  B./ C.a D.an 为什么 带花的词语 这句话有错误吗?have a good time on the dragon boat day!怎么改 have been to 能和for或since引导的时间状语从句连用吗?I _________the north for a year.这里填have been to 为什么答案上给的是have been in What's the book_____? an otherwise mundane Pockets of unemployment in an otherwise prosperous region.怎么翻译,其中的”in an otherwise”在句中成分和意义分别是怎样的? a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.otherwise是什么意思 He was badly ill,but he still worked .(改为复合句)_____ _____he was badly ill,he still worked. otherwise是什么意思啊 Because Tony 's father worked too hard,he felt ill again.