
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:18:25
一、用所给的正确形式填空.二、根据要求完成句子.一、1.How long __ he __ (read) English every night.2.I have some __ (knife).I can lend one to you.3.My brother often goes to school without __(eat) breakfast.4.Kitty sdeldom __(hav 根据句子的正确形式填空.(1道)Jim always ______ (finish) his homework before supper. 用单词适当形式填空和按要求写句子Please look at ---(Ann)IS you son a---(work)Mr.Liang is our English teacher.We like ---(he) very much,.---(them) are in the same garde--- is from eNGLAND.----eNGLISH is very good.(she)---are mt friends 1的平方 3的平方+5的平方...+19的平方 1+3+5+7+9+……+19=( )+( )平方 History proves Diaoyu Islands ___China's.A.is B.are Yesterday he f______ very tired.She had great f______ playing in the water. When you leave behind do not see my tears,the heart hurts when i say sorry,you might leave my heart Fsaw _____accident in the street yesterdayA.the B.a C.an D./ 如果可以,我愿意一直等下去我想,我会一直一直这样等着你,等到你愿意回来的那么一天 I met Ann (_)accident in the street yesterday A in B for C by D.at 汉译英:如果 幸福 值10美分,我愿意倒贴10美元出售这 幸福 -3/4X+2=13-1/4X 3分之1*5+3分之1X=13 9分之4X-4*2分之1=4分之1 6-2分之1X=5分之1 《3分之1+2分之1》*=2分之11解方程 台儿庄战役和百团大战在抗战期间具有怎样的地位? the whole + n.强调整体,做主语时,句中谓语动词用单数还是复数? 3) 已知,a•a – a –1=0,且(2a•a•a•a – 3x•a•a+2)/(a•a•a+2x•a•a - a)=1,求x的值. 台儿庄战役和百团大战的胜利说明了什么 百团大战胜利 原因百团大战胜利的原因是什么? I wish the whole family happy New Year怎么读 百团大战获得胜利的原因 our family consist of 8 persons and all ____ sports.A.enjoy B.enjoys每一个我家庭的成员都喜欢体育,为什么不选B August 8th ,2008 is a special day ,_ ,I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.A.one B.what C.which D.the one分析一下不选C 的原因, 急问Augest 8th ,2008 is a special day ,_ ,I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese foreve...急问Augest 8th ,2008 is a special day ,_ ,I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.A.one B.what C.which D.the one麻烦解释选哪个 The number 9.11 is a special number ,...The number 9.11 is a special number ,_____,I think,that will be remembered by the Americans forever.A.what B.it C.which D.one Please explain 求解高一新生自学数学的问题高一新手,刚学完必修1,2函数与几何 因为喜欢物理,所以想打好数学基础.求怎么办?自学高中还是看看大学? 小明家饲养鸡与猪的只数比是26:5,羊与马的比是25:9,猪与马的比是10:3.求鸡、猪、马和羊的只数比. 家饲养鸡与猪的比是二十六比五,羊与马的比是25:9.猪与马的比是10比3,求鸡猪马和羊的只数比 women's day什么时候用英语 有个饲养场里鸡与猪的只数比是26:5,羊与马的比是25:9,猪与马的比是10:3,问鸡羊的只数比 My mother talked to Mr Wang in my school yesterday .换成My mother __ __Mr Wang in my school yesterday .(意思不变)