
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:51:56
The sweater I bought last week is too big for me.I'd like to change it for a _____ one.A.largeB.smallC.nicerD.smaller选什么 为什么 春 朱自清(急)1.《春》这篇课文里作者描写的是哪里的春景?(附加此地资料)2.小草偷偷的从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的.(“偷偷地”和“钻”这些词语好在哪里?“嫩嫩的,绿绿的”本该 朱自清《春》的全解!急~~~~各位走过路过的帮帮忙! 99.—I bought the coat for 210 yuan last week.-- It’s on sale today for 199 yuan . You should have waited.-- Oh , really? But how ________ I know?A.would B.did C.can 礼花是怎么被打到空中的火药推动还是怎么的 what ______they______(do)in the afternoon用所给动词的适当形式填空 diary怎么读 请问后半句如何翻译:Great bosses don't make policy;they make performance possible. 英语翻译 Space,travel怎么读?我采纳不了>_ travel怎么读 travel怎么读?要音标,急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 Travel by tuk-tuk 阅读理解 翻译 What do you suggest () this afternoon?A to do B us to do Cwe shall do D doing what will you do this afternoon什么意思? Inés是西班牙单词吗 有几种意思呐 Made in 我买了一枝钢笔,上面写的是Made in Spain. 西班牙名字我想要个西班牙的男的名字比利亚吗 我也喜欢 不要给我些西班牙队的噢 He ___ singing than dancingA.does well in B.does better in good at better with Mary does ___ writing than speakingA.good at B.well in C.better at D.better in Does he speak English ___ his English teacher?A.much better good as well as选什么,原因 有什么西班牙名字? ----Are we about to have dinner?----Yes,it __in the dinning room 用serve 的什么时态? ——___ we have to clean the room now?Yes,you ____.A.Are,are B.Can ,can C.Do ,can D.Do.do2.Please speak l_____ .I can not hear you clearly.3.Come in please,Don't stand o_____ Jim with his friend中 with his friend 做什么成分 He s_______ hands with his friends when he met them. We have lunch in this room是什么意思? We have lunch in the_________.选择一:playground 选择二:canteen 选择三:library 选择四:office 选择五:art room 选择六:TV room peter is ( )good friend.we are ()().l am kitty.l am a().the desk is dirty()the desk plea().the desk is dirty()the desk , this a()bee?急用 《游新密爱家乡祖国在我心》征文速求 I ( ) to see my childhood friends in the summer vacation.A.went back B.have been back为什么? We didn't have a meeting in Room 104. We had a meeting in Room 106.句型转换We had a meeting ____in Room 104_____ in Room 106