
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:35:44
同义句:His friend no longer worked there; His friend___work there____ _____. his father worked in a shoe factory ,but now he didn't work there.改为同义句 his father_ _ _in a shoe factory. her father is going to work_______there______two years Dalian has a population ____ 5.3 million people.(填入适当的介词) 英语Dalian ia a big city ___5.9 million people. 英语翻译梨 胖的 快乐的,幸福的 美味的,美好的 热的 大的 许多 小的 女士 先生 花 爱好 月亮 太阳 帽子 乘坐 画 看,观看 工作 做饭 跳舞 那个 听 Who knows what people ____(look)like in a million years? as though句型造句,一句超过20个英文字一句超过20个英文字尽量使用简单的词汇文法必须正确求求大大 造句,要5个,is as adj as b.这样句型A is as adj as b.多一点,越多越好! 球里的英语是啥意思? 用as+adj+as+n+could的句型造句 请问Hard as 开头的这是什么句型?如何造句?例如:Hard as she tried to hold herself in,she could not mask her sadness. Most of the people who are visiting Britain ____about the food and weather there.nnA.are always to complain nB.have always complained nC.always complain nD.will always complain of the people who are visiting Britain( )about the food and weather there.A.are always to complain B.have always complained C.always complain D.will always complain how about the people and the food什么意思 sorry,i'm late.____,but please come earlier nect time .A That' OK.B Good idea.C I think soD You're welcome 每个答案的用法 I am ___ I can't come on time.A.afraid B.tired CI am ___ I can't come on time.A.afraid B.tired C.worried D.glad(解释AC) Come and join us,Jimmy!I'm sorry,but I'm really busy now.If I( )time,I would certainly goA will haveB have hadC hadD have选哪个为什么,懂的人回答 His father didn't work there any longer.句型转换为His father _ _ worked there. I don't think it advisable that Jack_____the job since he little experience.A.is given B.will givenC.be given D.has been givenB选项咋不行?选哪个 原因? I don't think it advisable that Tom__th the job since he has no experience.A.is assignedB.will be assignedC.be assignedD.has been assignedwhy choose i don't think it advisable that him __ to the job since he has no experienceA is assigned B will be assigned C be assigned D has been assigned为什么选 be assigned 有没有be busy to do sth. be busy to do有没有这种形式,be busy doing 有啥区别 同义句转换My father has never been to other counties before.My father has never__ __before My father has never been to other countries before.My father has never__ __ before. 下列的数字 英语短语怎么翻译? To our___(惊讶),the factoey is still pouring waste into the river near it I hope ······· 造句 Something must ------to stop the factory from pouring waster water into the river.A be done B do C doing Dhave done hope 的造句还有at one's aptometrist的造句 第一个把五星红旗插在月球上的人是谁