
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 00:58:01
When I get good grades,my mother looks h___ at me. 当我有困难时,老师总是给我一些好的建议 When I'm in trouble,my teacher always . 这篇古文的题目是什么 水浒传人物绰号“ 花和尚 新概念英语里面这段话是什么语法啊?新概念第三册第二课,“i have been coming up he night after night”,have been doing 是什么语法啊? What do you think of the play ____by the students?A.to be put on B.put on C.being put on D.having been put on 选什么?为什么? 这段古文的题目是什么 1、 已知质量为2KG的物体在水平地面上,受到与水平面呈37°,大小F1=10牛的拉力作用,移动的距离s=2米,物体与地面间的滑动摩擦因数0.3,g取10m/s²,求摩擦力对物体所做的功,以及合外力对物体所 文言文20篇 求新概念英语第一册第二册视频讲解的迅雷下载地址啊?要那个女老师讲解的 有的加573725312 我要是完全符合要求我会给100分 He ( )that book last 括号中选项(read)(reads)选哪个,谢谢哥哥姐姐们了,He ( )that book last month,少打一个词 同义句填写 It seems that he has read the book.He seems ____ ____ read the book. 水浒传中,鲁智深绰号花和尚,他在渭州三拳打死谁?在相国寺?在野猪林救?急! To do everything is to do nothing 翻译 My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades!这个面的grades 怎么翻译? 有若干个大小形状相同的球一个挨一个摆放,刚好摆成一个等边三角形,将这些球换一种摆法,仍一个挨一个摆放,又刚好摆成一个正方形,试问这些球最少有多少个? Which of you won the prize?I was looking for that book,but I didn't find it Is this the reason ___ he didn't like that book?A.why B.that C.which D.whoWhich one?Why? 初三数学问题:成比例【预习的 都不懂啊!写一下过程吧】1.、证明:若a/b=c/d,则a/a-b=c/c-d.2、已知a/4=b/3=c/2⑴且abc不等于0,求a+3b/2b+3c的值.⑵且a+3b-3c=14,求a、b、c的值.3、已知p满足p=a+b/c=a+c/b=b+c/a Is that____(I) book? ( )She didn't remember _______ she returned that book to the library.A.whether B.that C.whereD.what 下列命题中,是真命题的有( )①顶点在圆周上的角是圆周角②圆周角的度数等于圆心角度数的一半③90°的圆周角所对的弦是直径④直径所对的角是直角⑤若圆周角相等,则它们所对的弧也相 初三数学预习详细一点好,谢谢 新初三数学如何预习? 跪求初二英语日记30-50字 预习看不懂,输入a=4怎么会循环出来P Q n的数值? 1若f(x)为奇函数,且x属于(0,正无穷)时,f(x)=1-2x,则f(x)>0的解集为2二次函数f(x)=x^2+bx+c,若f(1+x)=f(1-x),试比较f(11/4)与f(-a^2+a-1)3偶函数f(x)在[0,正无穷]上递减,则f(x) 计算:3的a次方=2 则log3 8-2log3 6等于麻烦写下步骤 好让我预习 I have read that book before BEFORE可以用在现在完成时肯定句吗 He ()(read) this book before.用括号里的词的适当形式填空 英语翻译this was not going well.i had just taken off the gloves.as Jenny wound up to counterpunch,i quickly tried to return the deliberations to my leading candidate. 英语翻译They were not about to change their tastes and habits just because of a change in the law.这句话的正确翻译是:他们不会因为法律的改变,而去改变自己的喜好与习惯.(否定转移)我想问的是,这句话为