
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:53:30
the story makes me feel .请问这里应该是interesting 还是interested?能确定?我们老师讲的是interesting.每个词在句中做什么成分 Is Gina your friend?Yes,( )is.这个填什么快,抢答! 英语类的题,很容易when~you get up选did were does was Is it time for her ____(leave) school .我省某地生产的一种绿色蔬菜,在市场上若直接销售,每吨利润为1000元,经粗加工后销售,每吨利润可达4500快,明天交, It ’ s time for me ____ (leave) for Beijing.适当的形式填空There ___ (be) a few books and a pen on the desk.I can hear her ___(sing) in the next room now.What kind of work do you use the machine ___ (do)? Youcan sit on this b_______.Peter is standing b_______Kitty and Alice.怎么填 “kitty和alice一样大”怎么翻译 kitty and alice like dolls.改一般疑问句 否定句 肯定回答 否定回答 Alice and Kitty's desk Alice's and Kitty's desks 区别在哪里?关于这类型的句子详细的说一下. 某地生产一种绿色蔬菜,若在市场上直接销售,每吨利润为1000元.某地生产一种绿色蔬菜,若在市场上直接销售,每吨利润为1000元;经粗加工后销售,每吨利润可达4500元;经精加工后销售,每吨利润 Alice and Kitty _____in the block.live用单三吗? never too late to mend用中文回答, 翻译谚语:Never too late to mend Kitty and Alice are in the same housing estate,but in ( )biock.A、different B、same C、some Kitty and Alice are visiting to GrandmaWang句意不变,我今天就要换种表达 保持句意不变!(英文) see you soon,we are par forever .这句话是什么意思? See you soon! 古诗衣带渐宽终不悔后面一句是什么? it`s never too late 衣带渐宽终不悔 是哪首诗中的句子 根据首字母提示写出该单词Liu Xiang is a very( f-----) athlete all over the world.1.Liu Xiang is a very( f-----) athlete all over the world.2.If you put your (h-----)into your work,you‘ll do it well.3.(M-----)climbing is v 高中英语翻译:当他听到这个不幸的消息时,他感到很惊讶(be amazed at) i'm so crush on you ,just only you call got me like that! it's will until forever...请帮我把这句话i'm so crush on you ,just only you call got me like that! it's will until forever翻译中文是什么? if that i will call you是什么意思 “知而不言, 关于“新时代有没有必要发扬雷锋精神”的辩论赛,请大家帮忙提供些材料我是反方,没有必要发扬雷锋精神...顺便提供些辩词...谢啦.. 知而不言是什么意思? 知之不言,言之不知是什么意思 英文he runs quickly为什么不是he runs quick?为什么要用副词quikcly呢?不用形容词quick呢? 言知不言尽,言多必有失. 英语题目:eating 后面加quick还是加quickly