
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 10:57:23
计算土方量并出场地粗平图,哪个软件比较好用?现在用的是鸿业总图,想知道还有哪个软件计算更准确或更好操作. 请用状语从句分析这句话语法where there is marriage without love ,there will be love without marriage!没有爱情的婚姻,就会有没有婚姻的爱情 请问这是一句什么状语从句You shouldn’t go rafting unless you know how to swim. [急!]用“Listen!”“please!”“right!”造5个句子各位请帮忙用“Listen!”“please!”“right!”造5个句子,意思分别是听着!和对的!急用,在2天之内的加10分! 改错 I think he listen as careful as you. 谁能告诉我这个成语的典故?按图索骥 谁能告诉我3个成语的典故?纸上谈兵凿壁偷光被水一战是典故,不要意思 找出一个状语从句并分析.Any ordinary person would find it hard to imagine what Michelangelo had gone through in those four years of hard and lonely work. 英语翻译21.Not until I began to work __________how much time I had wasted.A.didn’t I realize B.did I realize C.I didn’t realize D.I realized22.Not until all the fish died in the river __________how serious the pollution was.A.did the villager 将下列句子改错:(1)I like a classical music very much.(2)I saw your aunt playing a golf.(3)I bought a box of some milk.(4)The bridge is made of an iron.(5)I think if you want to run a business like this,you need an experience. 给下列句子改错.1.Tony is learning plays chess from Mr.Zhang2.Everyone in our class like playing volleyball3.The children had fun made model planes.4.All of the students in our class enjoy to act in the game. 为下列句子改错:1.Is your brother speak English?2.Does he likes going fishing?3.He likes play games after class.4.Mr.Wu teachs us English. 把下列句子改错1.Is that a bag and a cat?_____2.He was born in May 12,1991._____3.How old are you when you started learning English?_____4.Eric was the first student to got to the top of the mountains._____ 给下列句子改错.快1,l don't want to be alone,with mo own all day2,I want her to buting some books.3,There is going to be an early start tommorrow morning. 面纱烫和空心烫的区别我都知道这都是能使头发蓬松的烫发,我想更详细的了解下面纱烫再发张图 已知f(x)=a/(a-1)·(a^x-a^-x)(a>0,且a≠1) 1.讨论f(x高中数学 已知f(x)=a/(a-1)·(a^x-a^-x)(a>0,且a≠1) 1.讨论f(x)的奇偶性 2.讨论f(x)的单调性 逢字怎么组词? 逢字组词 《揭开电磁辐射的面纱》中“根据国际辐射防护协会.则为3.8倍”这句,用了什么说明方法? 给写一篇关于介绍英美公司法“揭开公司面纱”的小文章,字数大概在200左右就行了! 什么才是真正的民主 要50道解方程例如:4X+12=50这样的. 快快快快~~~~50道解方程 谢谢 元彬现在在韩国的地位?前几天刚看了元彬的复出作品《大叔》,里面他演的真的很好的,退役之前在韩国的人气可是无人能敌的,在09年的时候和宋承宪,张东健,李秉宪作为韩流四大天王去日本 求50道解方程要人教版数学六年级下册的方程不要应用题,填空题. 《绅士的品格》第十集最后,金道振写的纸条贴在玻璃上, 所有HOW的词组及有关用法 民主出了什么问题 how的8种用法有哪些如how about how long how often 这样的 啥叫民主 最能体现出民主精神的是什么制度 形容技艺高超的歇后语