
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:03:39
汶川地震死了多少大部分说是8W 但今天一个阿姨给我讲了 她当时是去了汶川救灾的 她说那里几乎血流成河 到处都是手臂 指母 啊之类的 反正很恐怖 很血腥 电视上都没报出来 (她绝对没吓 汶川地震现在死了多少 汶川地震死了多少人口 大丈夫2 MEN SUDDENLY IN BLACK 2怎么样 I live in a room with three__students.A.otherI live in a room with three__students.A.other.B.another.C.the other.D.others 英语翻译如上. Can I ask a person in Baidu Know in English? An english friend has run ut of cigarettes.You offer him one of yours碰到这种情况,怎么和他说 supply offer provide 的区别介词搭配用法我清楚,我想了解细节上有什么不同,就是什么情况下用哪种。 There are(three)bedrooms.[对括号部分提问] There are three bedrooms.(变为否定句) On the third floor ,there are some gift shops ____it 介词填空 Are there some Englishmen in the building?的错误 求隋唐嘉话中能文得妻的翻译.3Q!德林为内史令,与杨素共执隋政.素功臣,豪侈,后房妇女锦衣玉食千人.德林子百药夜入其室,则其宠姬所召也.李俱执为庭,将斩之,百药年未二十,仪神隽秀,素意惜 now i realize,that all along you're the one 知道给个最正确的翻译,3Q了 The doctors said that there was __wrong with Jane“s legs .They could not do __to help herA something something B something nothing C nothing anything D everything something 我的名字是 雨薇 什么英文名适合我?姓贾 【老友记】I thought you said they could shoot the spot without you.看不懂这句意思~ There‘re shops on either side of the street,some of them do not close until 12 at night.为社么是填them?那The old man had a son and two daughters,__treated well,which make her sad.这边为什么填none of whom?不是说定语从句不可以 There are shops on___ side of the street.___of them do not close till 12 at night 给讲解下谢谢A .both;all B. every;none C. either;some D. other;many The flat we live is not large.A .where b.which c.that d.when 问flat 后面 选哪个 EVISU有国产的吗?上面写made in china是正品吗? he went to Beidaihe last year and this year同义句是什么啊?HE____ ______ to Beidaihe ___ 求 想起一个英文名 寓意为猫一样的女人 或者我的名字也可以 我叫梦如 英语翻译这是电影台词,完整的是:A:How did masollus and her meet?B:I don't know,however people meet people 英语翻译请问Some people,however,maintain that this is precisely where the danger lies.The television viewer makes no choice and exercises no judgment.He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part. 我的中文名字叫:漆薇,想起个英文名, 我的中文名字叫林薇 现在想起个与我中文名谐音的英文名,麻烦帮我标上音,因为有些不知怎么读请问还有没有其它的啊~ he has_____at home with his parents.sometimes they eat____with their My parents are very busy .SO I a_____ stay at home alone (独自)a后面填什么好 倔强固执执着的人好吗?这样的性格好吗?能说着人怎么样啊? 有多少人是因为任性倔强而分手的?