
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:13:46
英语求答案啊最好能告诉我为什么那么选额 求英语答案啊最好能告诉我为什么额 最好告诉我为什么那么选额 告诉我为什么选这个 只要你说出为什么101.___________ pop music drives me out of my mind.A.The most B.Most C.Mostly D.Most of102.—How did you pay the workers?—As a rule,they were paid _________.A.by a hour B.by hours C.by an hour D. 求助:两道英语题,帮我选一下正确答案,顺便告诉我为什么好吗?谢谢啦!1.We must do everything we can______waste water from running into rivers.A.keep B.keeping C.to keep 2.How will you spend May Day holiday?We have had a fam 5道英语选这题,( ) Some of us like the film at City cinema ______"Finding Nemo"Acalls Bcalled Ccalling Dto call( )My parents always ask me _____video games at home.Aplay Bto play Cdon't play Dnot to play Kitty and her sister ___come here ___11:3 告诉我为什么选这个1.Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system,with a diameter approximately eleven times __________the Earth.A of B that C than D that of Mr Smith had his left foot hurt and seldom( ) out to walk his dog recently1\he went2\he did go3\has he gone4\he has gone 英语翻译帮助他_____ visit them_______选择:There ____a pair of earphones and some books on the sofa a moment agoA is B are C was D wereWhat are you doing?I'm ______my earphonesA looking B find C looking for D findingTom usually ____ his mot 英语翻译选择Our team was _____ by their in the football game yesterday.A.defeated B.won C.gained D.earnedThe heavy rain made ______ for us to go swimming this afternoon.A.it was impossible B.impossible C.it impossible D.that impossible翻译他 英语翻译1.________ the had weather,our journey was very uncomfortable.A.during B.For C.Thanks to D.Because这题为什么会选C啊.C不是幸亏的意思吗.为什么不可以选B呢.2.He is ________ for questioning by the police,because he is s 英语翻译Deep sea creatures can't live-----tj top part of the sea.Afrom Bin Cfor Dthan 英语翻译He kept silent over the matter because he had no intention to risk ______ in it.A ,to involve B,being involved C ,to be involved D,involving 英语翻译 英语翻译They tried every possible means to ()the old man into signing the paper.A.cause B.frighten C.let D.make 看看这道英语题选什么,并解释翻译 英语翻译你打算参加什么运动项目?Which sport ______ you _______ _______ take part in? 五年级上册英语部分寒假作业答案我是深圳的,作业是苏教版 五年级上册英语寒假作业答案(科普版) 最下面那个 什么Sam和Peter的对话 五年级英语上册寒假作业第27页第2题 2012-2013五年级上册英语寒假作业答案 五年级上册人教版寒假作业之数学14,15页的答案怎么写? 五年级上册寒假作业的15页的第2大题怎么写如no首尾掉换变成on,还有哪些这样的词.是江苏省南京市苏教版。 你能通过“本未倒置”这招,学到更多的单词吗?(首字母互相调换,并译成中文)如:on(在……上)→no(不)接下去做:1.team→( )____(横线填中文)2.read→( )_____3.god→( )_____4.net→( )_____5.tub 一如既往 别出心裁 守望相助 肃然起敬藕断丝连 临危不惧 滔滔不绝 豪情壮志垂头丧气 安然无恙 得意洋洋 口若悬河近义词:( )——( )反义词:( )——( ) 学习与探究 丛书编委会 江苏人民出版社 常州市教育教研室编写人员 朱洁如 李志英 英语 黄晓燕 葛小娟 品德与社会 靳晓慧 科学 瞿晓峰 别的都不要! 小学五年级上册语文寒假作业答案,求你了! 要第11、18、23、、27、、28、33、37、45、、49、51、53页答案不用了,我写完了 我要小学五年级上册语文寒假作业答案,求你了 小学五年级寒假作业(语文)参考答案