
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 10:10:53
Thanks!hope to get the pictures soon The report should be handed in before11:00 this morning,but it still remians _____.A.half doing B.half does C.half done D.been half done虽说我选的也是D 英语翻译I kept going throught the motions like a ship in a storm we were tooDeep in the sea to just fall and I've never been a quiter I believeI stood tall for me to wake up and find myself all alone yeah,yeahEven though I knew we had some better at/in/on swimming pool有何区别 孩子们在游泳池里玩得很开心 The children ( ) ( ) ( )in the swimming 3Q 乡情写一篇高中作文 以“乡情”为话题写一篇作文,要600字左右的!各位大哥大姐,求求您们了!再三说明一下,不要重复楼上的回答,也不要没话找话,得那2点经验,还是那句话,如果你不想回答,你就不要回答 谁可以给我一些诸子喻山水的背景资料,文学常识什么的啊,要做PPT语文演讲啊~ China is a vast country with wide-ranging climatic conditions, so a decision about the best time to visit should be based on the regions you plan to tour and the kind of weather you enjoy. Normally, the most comfortable season of the year is early au 不要证全等,最好用圆的性质神马的…… 不等式ax+b>0的解集为x>-b/a,且a+b<0,则抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c的对称轴所在的位置是( ).A.y轴; B.y轴的右侧; C.y轴的左侧; D无法确定【这是一到选择题、我要的不只是答案、我想问下解题的过程、谢谢】 九年级下2次函数配套练习册的题目 已知抛物线y=ax2+bx+c经过点A(1,-2)B(2,0)C(0,-2),求解析式已知抛物线y=-x2+mx-m+2经过点(0,0)求二次函数关系式已知抛物线y=x2+bx+c经过点A(1,0),B(2,5),求解析式一级顶点坐标已知抛物线y= 较常规,多级你懂的直线y=x-2交x轴于点A,横坐标为2m(m为大于一常数)的点B在此直线上,过B作y轴的垂线,C为垂足,经过A,B,C三点的抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c顶点为M.1.求a的值.2.点P是线段AB上一动点(不与A,B 游泳池 SWIMMING POOL怎么样 游泳池今天不开放,我们不能去游泳.The swimming pool------,we-----------. 以邻里乡情为话题的作文 关于乡情的作文 汉译英:游泳池今天不开放,我们不能去游泳了.The swimming pool ___ ___today.We__ __ ___. polar是什么意思 She gets ideas for what to wear from the book 100 Most Important Women of th1She gets ideas for what to wear from the book 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Centur-y2The eager student managed to get through the entire second grade without repeatin 【急求】Did you enjoy yourself in the park?Yes,it was the second time this month that I_______ itDid you enjoy yourself in the park?Yes,it was the second time this month that I_______ itAvisit Bhad visit Chave visited Dwas visiting what my friend said________my thoughtsAconfirm Bto confirm Cconfirms Dconfirming consider得用法和意思英语语法知识 consider的英文意思 consider是什么意思?用consider造一个句子 consider it over是仔细考虑的意思吗,那是不是consider it carefully 常被人类夸赞的动物? -___(I me my)look at___(they their theirs)and___(they their theirs)look at___(I me my) consider to be doing 是一个怎样的用法? be considered to do sth有这样的说法吗 还是只有consider doing sth 与满载而归特点相一致的成语是什么急