
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 06:54:16
Tim _____(not climb) the tree.It`s dangerous.填空 HYDE怎么样 Ben,_____climb the tree.It it very dangerous.A:does not B:not C:do not D:is not 关于HYDE好吧……吾辈承认……关于Hyde……吾辈真的是小白一枚……彩虹乐队和VAMPS的关系是什么……Hyde到底算是哪个乐队的……度受百科复制粘贴的不要啊……太长了……亲们能概括一下 It's dangerous.Don't climb so high in the tree .(保持句意基本不变)It’s dangerous.________ _________ climb so high in the tree.为什么空格填 YOU musn't 谁刺杀过秦始皇从此便有了一首诗“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去不复还” 有多少人想暗杀秦始皇?有姓名,时间,具体事件, 张良曾派人刺杀秦始皇? lesson 2 is _ most difficult lesson in Book II,but it isn`t _ most difficult lesson in it里面的a和the .请问是怎么区分开的.就是什么情况下用a 什么情况下用the . 我想知道netherlands与hotland的区别 他们都是荷兰2个的汉语翻译都是荷兰 他们的英文意思有什么区别?是地域还是语法上约定俗成?hotland应是holland 打错 卓尔不群、怀才不遇的意思 here‘s a book for ben.it’s ()his mother.a、from b、to It's lovely .It is white .It can climb the tree .It likes to eat mice and drinks要这句话的中文翻译 His mother always buys new coats______him.A.to B.for C.from D.of It can run fast.It is very clever.It likes to eat meat and bones.What is it?It is a_. 半径为A的球放在墙角,同时与两墙面对底面相切,那么球心到墙角丁点的距离为多少 球放在墙角(两墙面,地面分别两两垂直),紧靠墙面和底面,墙角顶点到球面上的点的最 Here is a postcard for Simon,will you please( A.give it to him B.give it him C.give him D.give him it 选择Here is a postcard for Lodge,will you please ____?选give it to him还是give him it It's ---------(危险) to clime the tall tree.怎么填 根据释义和首字母写出单词Peope often climb up a tree or tall buildings with it. l_______!A car almost hit you.A.Look at B.Look out of C.Look out D.Look out at Mary lives 10 miles ___the school.A.far from B.far away C.away D.away from 说明理由或过程等腰三角形ABC,AB=AC,角C=30度,AB垂直AD,AD=2,求BC的长 有点理解不透!O(∩_∩)O谢谢!池塘中有一朵莲花,它直立在水中,荷花高出水面半尺处长有一朵红莲,一阵风吹来把荷花吹倒在一边,红莲倒在水面位置距荷花生长处水平距离为2尺,则池塘深为 I__at the station last night.A,got B,entered C,arrived.选哪个,为什么? 一个球的半径为a,放在墙角,与两个墙角及地面都相切,那么球心与墙角顶点的离距是? 高一a的分数指数幂的条件为啥是a>0.是为了防止a<0时,根号内的指数为奇,而根指数为偶的情况么?教材上说省去了规定分数指数幂的合理性, 英译中1句data is raw, unprocessed facts, 英译中(不难 就一句)Why is the sea salty? 一句英译中However,one of his finest blows for science was struck,not in the lab,but in conversation.主要问题在one of his finest blows for science was struck,struck是被动形式么? 英译中一句~The crime novel has ”mysteries“ and more,with its implication of a broad variety of approaches to the issue of crime and its implications.求指教~ 八年级的数学难不难题目 A cousin is your_______chijd