
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:58:39
it is cloudy in shaihai now对画线的句子提问画线cloudy very,certain, rahter, quite 的区别It's __ a nice day. Let's go out for a walk now.A. very B.certain C.rather D.quite请附上四个选项的详细解释,以及它们的区别谢谢~~ Millie is a careful girl.There are ____(not changing)times for her study.横线上填什么?快 SU后面加什么的英文名好听,特别一点,女的她叫淑霞淑霞英文怎么写来着 不是拼音啊 就好像李是LEE it 's a rainging day是什么意思啊15分全给你们了,大家能帮忙翻译一下吗,谢谢! 请英语高手帮我取一个好听的英文名字,我叫姚伟辉,请帮我取一个好听的,然后就是要和中文名字音译相似,一定要顺口!虽然说我英语学了好久. Forget about the days when it's been cloudy. 次铝酸钠跟什么反应生成氢氧化钠?请各位赐教. jack was playing___ a ball.he kicked it too______.1.a.with B.at C./ D.on2.A.heavily B.hard选哪个?为什么? she was waiting for the teeth.此句如何翻译? 用所给单词的确适当形式填空.They are (cousin) 帮分析一下...giving it a shot might make not make you a winner.后面为什么不是make you be a winne打错字,might 后面没有make我服了。怎么没有make sb do sth用法?二楼含山数学小天才,答非所问。 英语翻译Action on an idea that has an opportunity in its core is the indefinatable ingredient that separates the alchemist puttering with lead from an entrepreneur who generates god out of nothing. Do not______your bicycle against the glass window.A.giveB.takeC.leave呢 为什么呢 i thought we`d be late for the concert,but we ended up getting there ahead of time. It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we we win the nod...一首韩国歌、叫啥忘了就是:nod...nod...***拼出来是(nō bā dì) PLS CFM N ADV TO ME THE RENT FEE.TKS怎么翻译 pls cfm you will send the sample of book for Federated to me today ,pls keep me posted on awb# They spent four( )yuan building the school libraryAmillion Bmillions ofCmillions Dmillions of pls cfm no replenishment is needed是什么意思 outstanding Why regretted should nod belong to own these 英语翻译求翻译 what a small party怎样理解 what a small party!什麽意思 奥斯卡是指什么意思 Oscar nods oscar pistorius是什么意思 win I have not much to say but being afraid that tears can not stay.I have not much to say but being afraid that tears can not stay.同志们帮我翻译这句话好吗?