
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:54:12
1.Jim,get up and ________.(用put on your clothes的适当形式填空)2.My aunt often talks her friends ________ the cell phone.3.Who usually_________ (do)some washing in your family?第一题是写原型吗为什么不写单数?第二,第三题的 3道初一英语题1.判断下列哪些可数,哪些不可数public workbook Tuesday July2同义句转换:Mr.Li's sons' bedroom3.画线提问:Lily's watch doesn's work.---the--- --- Lily's watch? 初一英语,三道题 第三题 初一英语,第3题,给好评,谢谢,急需 第二.三大题, 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 初一英语 谢谢 5题 3,5题..初一英语 3,4,5题,初一英语,帮忙答一下,谢谢 初一英语2,3,4题 初一英语1-5题 一,翻译下列句子1、那些是公共汽车吗?不,不是.Are those( No,( )( )2、这些用英语怎么说?What( )( )in English3、那些是盒子吗?不,不是.( ( )( NO,( )(    )4、那些是什么?是公共汽车.What( )( 1,It happened that he was in the house at that time.(保持原句意思)He happened _____ ____ in the house at that time.2,Has Mother decided to go there yet?(改为宾语从句)Mother hasn't decided ______ to go there _______ ___________.3,By the 按照提示填空realtell me the _______ reason for your absence from workwhat do you _______ think of this film?i hear that you've been ill for some time.i am _______ sorry about thathe didn't _______ what had happenedsellwill you _______ me your o 初一英语习题,_______they often ______(make) cakes?Li Ping _________(not watch) in TV at home now.I like _______(go)to the movie with my friends.It's time to piay games.The students________(jump) and _____(ran).______he ______(study)very well?Ca 要完整的题目. 求初一英语阅读题的练习题! 求20篇初一英语阅读题,选择,答题都行,20篇~ 初一英语5分钟自我介绍急需一个初中英语自我介绍,不要太难的,总体时长在5分钟左右. 1:选择 all my family______ in beijinga:is b:are c:am d:be写出为什么啊 初一英语第五单元的题 1、Tom Howard is as his father2、Frank always gets very angry3、Her mother looks at Susan's clothes very carefully4、He says angrily,"Isn't that one of my ties,Tom?"5、You don't want your trousers to fall down,do you?把上面的句子翻译成 初一英语题目!快点!急! We will save money to help_________animals.(home)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成以上句子. They can help us (do) our work better.为什么是用do捏,“hlep sb with sth”用with不可以吗?谢. 初一英语,懂的来 初一 英语 不懂 请详细解答,谢谢! (16 15:51:39)什么叫谓语什么又叫状语啊什么动词不定试 47至51期的答案 西游记第51至55回主要内容 20字 根据短文内容完成下列各句