
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:25:24
中国日报英语版问题我去邮局订中国日报英语版的时候,上面写着是1.5元一份,然后一个月好像是38.5元,但是很怪的是那个本子上写的刊期是“周六”,这到底是怎么回事, 我看透了你的心英语怎么说? 求数学高人帮我做一下这三道高等数学中的极限我数学学的非常差,今天老师给了两道高等数学中的极限题,让明天交上去, 高数求极限问题,哪里错了? 求极限,考研高数!limx->0+ ln(arcsinx)/(1/x)中 arcsinx可以使用等价无穷小换成x吗?为什么? 高数作业忘做了求极限方面高人=A 英语翻译那些都是真的吧,我想也许我也不会深入努力的克制自己 对自己说“无所谓的!”可有的时候真的会狠矛盾我不希望有另外的人和我分享这份感情狠想知道 在你心里是情人还是老婆呢 高等代数计算题求解答(5) 高等代数计算题求解答(6) 英语翻译All of us expect desirable things,and so experience happy anticipation throughout our work and personal lives.Happy anticipation is usually practical:clearly something worthwhile is coming my way.so I can perceive it in the distance and e 英语翻译Population aging is a common phenomenon in the 21st century.Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates.China will soon join their ranks.According to statistics,the a 英语翻译 英语翻译(If you sign on with your address set to"abroad"),you'll soon find that many thousands of them.请翻译括号内的,可以说下里面的词组搭配什么的吗?我不理解那个什么"sign on" "set to"什么的。 计算题!急上课没听这周得交上.发了几次都没人详细解答希望用word解 切图 高等数学计算题1.设排水阴沟的横断面积一定,断面的上部是一个半圆,下部是一个矩形.问圆的半径和矩形的高之比为何值时,建沟所用材料最省?2.半径为r的圆内接矩形,问矩形长和宽为多少时, What Have You Done 歌词 高等数学 计算题能上图就上图~谢谢! within temptation的What have you done歌词 怎样看穿一个人的心思?尤其是女朋友的心思?怎样看穿事情的真相?能猜透就是情商高么? what have you done与what did you do的区别 英语翻译求热心朋友帮忙估哈分. 我的名字是赵若琳,请帮忙取个英文名.没啥要求,就是跟中文名发音比较像就行了.Lynn,Lillian是我自己想过的。对了。请不要复制一长串英文名叫我自己去找。我希望有点有针对性的答案。我性 一句VOA的英语不懂怎么翻译She says the most important legacy of the court is arguably the goal of improving Cambodia's judiciary by transferring the good legal practices being used at the court.哎…………不要直接用软件翻译呐 英语翻译A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television,the more likely they are to develop depression as young adults.But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered.The research 英语翻译The U.S.ambassador to Australia said it should not be a crime to be a member of the LGBT community.Ambassador John Berry told the 20th international AIDS Conference that the fight against the disease cannot be won by relegating segments o 有关英语方位词的一篇阅读理解(小学六年级),Here are 9 boxes.One of them is empty.It is in the middle.Lily puts a basketball in the box on the left hand side of the empty box.The watch box and the basketball box are in the same ro 英语翻译And every senator who goes on record saying that we need to proceed to this monstrosity of a bill,will in effect be voting for higher taxes,higher premiums and cuts in medicare 今天听写VOA遇到的句子,那个monstrosity具体解释 II.阅读理解 每题2分)Curly is my big black dog.He is very strong and he often carries me on his back.He likes to run and play with me.He likes to follow my father around in the fields,too.One day in the fields my father takes off his coat and Your new bike looks very nice.How much ____ (does/did)it cost.不知道是does还是did 70字英语作文带翻译 How much_____the carrots cost?用do 还是does 为什么? 冰箱用英文怎么拼?