
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:58:55
He dosen't know how____(do)the show on the catwalk difference discrepancy 的区别如上 每个房间住3人,则36人没床位;每个房间住4人,则还有13人没床位,如果每个房间住5人,那么情况又如何? discrepancy 和 contradict 区别 一高一物理题 我做的和答案不一样,望大家辨析下汽车以10m/s的速度前进,从开始制动到停下来用了5s,在这段时间内,汽车每一秒前进的距离分别是9m,7m,5m,3m,1m 则 :汽车的加速度为?我做的是-2m/ It is+形+for somebody to do something就只要10句,快点谢谢,很急啊!在线等!要列句!学生党深夜求助,明天要交作业的说,大神别潜水了!越多越好 有没有It is likely for somebody to do something这种表达? ( )7.Let's _____ a visit to Grandparents.A.take   B.taking C.takes Neo-new-generation是什么意思啊? Decade of a New Generation什么意思 far的副词英文 far from是副词吗?RT. für nicht tolerierte maβe gilt:±1%,aber mind.±0.5mm 请问Among the key findings are:中文是什以意思? I like playing basketball的同意句 完成对话A:Jill,________ B:I like basketball._______A:I like basketball,too.B:Really?_________A:Ioften play it after school.B:Do you have a basketball?A:___________ But it's a little old.B:Great!Let's play it at 5:30 p.m.A:________ See you them.B: i like playing basketball.iwould like to join basketball ciub.合并 每间房住3人,36人没床,每间住4人,13人没床,一共去了多少人?不用方程式,解释清楚点, 【小学三年级题】某旅游团,每间房住3人,36人没床,每间住4人,13人没床,一共去 The choice is mine.这句话甚意思啊 The choice is mine the proble is different.I can't work it out the problem isn't easy ()for ()to work out PLC写入程序时出来 online service last execatet was faulty是什么意思? Until last month__heard of online education.A.many Americans had neverB.had many Americans never怎么不到装 Until last month__heard of online education.说理由!Until last month__heard of online education.A.many Americans had neverB.had many Americans never为何不是b 英语翻译齐师伐我 肉食者 又何间焉 肉食者鄙 何以战 衣食所安, 弗敢专也, 必以分人 对曰小 Heart of fee 什么意思? 用must,must not,can或can not填空1.“( )I come at 6 o’clock?”“Oh no,you needn’t."2.A blind man ()judge colours.3."May I go there?'' “No,You ( )"4.Two eyes ( ) see more than one.5.I ()be off.Thank you very much for supper.6.Y Now is 3:00 am.it is too early () get up.(填介词) 兴高采烈,神气活现,词语意思 Flim stars usually have b_____looks last year,last years 什么时候表示晚年? the man was grateful 什么mr li 什么his help 两个用什么介词