
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:12:51
I like a pig Also won't like you I like a pig Also won't like you 齐字加偏旁并组词(最少两个) Ha ha, you also like a kid是什么意思? 齐可以换什么偏旁 组什么词换两个偏旁 组五个词 齐字的部首还要组词 The spaceship flew into the sky.改否定句 The spaceship flew into the sky 改为否定句 白金 翻译成英语是什么 A heavy rain,不加不定冠词A是否成立,为什么? 在概率论中掷硬币是一个非常经典的例子;比如掷100次硬币,正面向上的次数大概是50次,背面向上的次数也大概是50次.如果有一人对硬币出现正反面那一面向上的情况进行猜测;那么如果猜100 听力残疾我一只耳朵听力正常另一只耳朵基本听不见,这算残疾吗? 什么叫听力残疾 听力残疾属于残疾人吗我左边听力残疾4级,右边听力残疾1级,平时佩戴左耳的助听器,因为我放弃右耳,我算是残疾人吗,将来会有工作吗?我想交个女朋友有点困难 有算式思路,某班排队做操,如果每行8人正好站完,如果每行9人就少6人.这班有多少学生?有算式有解释, (要算式)被除数、除数、余数和商之和是2143,已知道商是33,余数是52,求被除数和除数. who can translate this?the one who laughed about the world,afterwith he pked uo and went across the stone age,finally he became a legend but disappeared without a trace.he is loved and driven by any one who sees him on the street,but he never drives who can translate this song {Rootless tree}Rootless tree -- damien rice What I want from you is empty your headThey say be true,don't stain your bed We do what we need to be free And it leans on me like a rootless tree What I want from us is empty ou Many I have your camear是什么意思 IT's my way to do it B型血的男人有什么特征? B型血的金牛座男生有什么特征啊? B型血的男人的性格? the opera is not over until the fat lady sings. B型血的个性是什么样的 the manager is easy to get on with 为什么要加with啊 the manager is easy to get on不行吗 the manager is easy to ______ 1.get on 2.get up with 3.get on with 4.get back I have a headache,I got hit by the ball.(by the 奥运会篮圈距离地面多高 2.在括号里填上合适的单位名称. The best ( ) ( ) ( ) to Mount Yuntai is in May.去云台山的最后时间是在五月. 英语翻译成分:类似主语,谓语,宾语这种就是我所说的成分.==1.His arms and legs were twisted terribly,and he couldn't do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks.【这里好奇葩,什么是rest of us?us是谁?不是rest的 josie 中文翻译是?