
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:12:59
1、All the men ate good food just now用(WHAT提问) 2、I had a high fever yesterday .作答 The sorrow not is bigger than losts hope .I just miss homeland 注意是后面一句哈,I just miss homeland,这句有点争议,但是我敢确定,不是思念祖国,我猜她的想家。 人无完人,金无足赤.的英文? 英语 to后动词怎么判断是ing形式还是原型to什么时候是介词?谢谢 连词成句麻烦各位了 ,3Q1.him,friendly,new,his,all,to,classmates,are.________________________________.2.called,the,from,boy,Simon,letter,is,a,_______________________________.3.company,as,a,engineer,father,in,his,an,works.______________________ 连词成句,麻烦大家了 麻烦各位帮我连词成句go,Bridge,and,turn,Street,left,New,down,Park,at, I want a new English name!My former English name is Joyce,but it's so common in the company.So I want a new one, pls help advice,thanks!程琼~~~ i want a best english namei am a chinese girl ,but now i am in south africa.i want a english name :) i think the name must very easy to speak and very beautiful .and i don't want many people have this name. I want get a english name我想启个英文字,我的中文拼间NaiJun,小时候家里的土话叫Li Jun,现在暂时用的英文名叫peter,我想我的名字可以表达出;爽快,大方,成熟,真诚,3Q! 几道英语连词成句,1.the,two,tricks,childern,plan,their,to,play,on,parents.2.the,ideas,book,in,some,will,give,life,you,of,London.3.he,homework,spengs,his,much,every,time,on,day.4.I'll,meeting,have,after,to,go,to,a,lunch.5.please,notice,look,eve 几道英语连词成句,急.1、leave ,goodbye,it,to,without,impolite,him,of,is,saying(.)2、the,of,morning,traffic,driving,the,is ,because,slow,office,to very,heavy,the,in (.)3、use,two,expecting,it,the,is,hours,no,work,finish,to,in (.)4、should, ,几道英语连词成句(○’ω’○) 关于政治犯的人权的英文文章、是英文文章吖、各位学哥学姐们、帮帮忙吖、3Q、 To go to Japan for visit is my plant for this year为什么要用for this year 用 of this year行吗? 数学预习有什么好处举例说明 六年级上册数学书中《数字的作用》这一课怎么预习? 只能换一个英文,变成另一个词语 “最近”一词英文单词怎写? She's not just my wet nurse.She's my butterfly She's my sister.变否定句时,写成She's not my sister或She is not my sister两种书写形都对吗? YELLOW怎样唱coldplay的YELLOW是怎么唱出那种虚无飘渺的感觉的?这是什么唱法?怎样可以学得到?我不是指感情拿捏方面,而是指声乐及发声技巧方面,怎样通过气流的碰撞或怎样吸气之类的来唱出那 用yellow怎么提问?用括号部分提问.The ruler is (yellow)______ _______ _______the ruler? I'm watching girl playing_____a ball by the river应该填什么为什么 Slow down and stop at a yellow light.的意思 Renting a room outside cost ______ living a dormitory for a month.选项:a、twice much as b、as much as twice c、 twice as much as d、 twice more 选哪个?为什么?请分析并翻译整句 初中生物课程标准 a month-to-month lease 是什么意思?有准确一点的翻译吗? 46.区别于大纲,高中生物课程标准的理念是 ( ) 初中生物课程标准有何特点?其可执行性如何?有何改进建议? 词组 be considered as 和 referred to as 的区别,主要是用法的区别, be referred to as是什么意思