
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:51:21
米茶怎么做吃? 今天是李红11岁的生日.放学后,她急忙往家里赶去,推门进去,她被眼前的景象惊呆了.续写作文.给范文 什么是玄米煎茶, “放风筝”是《红楼梦》的第几回? 红楼梦放风筝中描写了大观园中的什么事件 信号与系统问题,见到几个没见过的符号,这个符号是什么意思 哪个课本有 电信卡为什么有两个信号标识啊? 求《fast food nation》中文版啊?好人,给我吧.急用!小说的中文版哦! 快餐,到底是在怎么翻译的?FAST FOOD?我怎么感觉怪怪的啊! 英语翻译Life is busier than ever.Between school,sports,clubs,and friends,who has time to think about what to eat Time for plan B:fast food.“Fast food is easy,"said a 14-year-old girl Sarah Hudson,enjoying a snack at McDonald's."It's quick and i I was sleeping when the UFO arrived忘了说问什么了 是想问把arrive改成reach怎么改,然后为什么这么改记得,好想跟什么及物动词补给我动词有关的,具体的不记得了 买回月季和郁金香共1700盆,月季的3分之2和郁金香的百分之75相等.两种花各买了多少 IT was snowing when he arrived at the station是什么从句 but i will tell you if i did not have a boyfriend 求翻译.这个意思是说她没有男朋友还是有啊 if you have i will have if you do not have i will not have too求翻译 It rained when I got home.改为一般疑问句怎么改 1)是in 1980s还是in the 1980s 2)The girl in white must be a nurse,__?答案是mustn't she 可这里的must be不是表示推测么 那答案应该是can'she呀 求一篇人物传记,英文的要一篇关于Edward Hopper 的 biography,他是一名画家.里面要求包括的内容有:1 The birth date of the person2 The death of the person3 where do or did they(he or she) live?4 what is their nationality an 电气系统中这三个符号各是什么意思? Help—— to some meat,Ann. my aunt said to me. A.tHelp—— to some meat,Ann. my aunt said to me.A.themselves B. ourselves C.yourself D.himself 我叫"振广"怎样起英文名字/? 我叫"振强"怎样起英文名字? 我叫农振强英文怎么叫 The girl ___ green is JaneA.of B.for C.to D.on 英语翻译888888 Amy is ( ).She often tells us some interesting stories.A.polite B.helpful C.funny D.happy 选什么? She often tells us some(65)f____stories in class Amy is ___.she often tells interesting stories A polite B helpful C funny D happyAmy studies very hard.shi usually__at 10:00pm.A.go to bed B.get up C.has lessons D.goes to bedThere is__f in the word fly.A.an B.a Cthe D./ 高中生评价词 ----Is this red handbag Tom's?----No,it isn't.____blue 思念泛成花 我擦泪,擦一户口本儿的泪...是什么个意思?