
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 21:04:10
谁能帮我看看这段matlab计算程序啊?小白始终有各种错.n1=1.41;n2=1.3476;r=[0.75:0.01:1.15];derta=2.5;lamda=0.496;x=1-(n2/n1).^2V=sqrt((2*pi*r*n1/lamda).^2*x)U=2.405*exp(-(1-x/2).*V)W=sqrt(V.^2-U.^2)p=sqrt(x).*U.^2*besselk(0,W.*derta/ 求解英语单项选择 一个等腰三角形顶角80度,周长36厘米,怎么画 当b>a时,函数y=ax+b与y=bx+a在同一坐标系中的图象 帮我看下这句话语句是通顺的吗? 写小松鼠的作文,550字左右!急, 己知正方形ABCD,E在AD的中点,F在AB的上,FC与EB相交于点G,2AF二FB,AE二ED,已知AFGE的面积等于5,求正己知正方形ABCD,E在AD的中点,F在AB的上,FC与EB相交于点G,2AF二FB,AE二ED,已知AFGE的面积等于5, 学为风云是什么意思 风云集会是什么意思 风云是什么软件 描写荷兰的文章拜托各位大神描写荷兰的文章,要上过课本的 走的近义词或意思相同的词还有笑、想的近义词 已知正方形ABCD E是AB的中点 F是AD的中点 连接ED FB 相交与G求AEGF的面积 正方形边长是1 正方形ABCD的边长是4,E是AB上一点,F是AD延长线上一点,BE=DF,AEGF是矩形,且AEGF的面积y随BE的长x变化:y与x之间可用什么函数式表示? 嫦娥奔月的故事用自己的话来书怎么说? 有丝分裂,无丝分裂,减数分裂的区别是什么?有性生殖和无性生殖什什么? 有丝分裂和无丝分裂属于有性生殖还是无性生殖 高数应用题第一题请求帮助, 一个长难句The incident triggered a new round of argument in the chinese capital in favor of prohibiting the practice of celebrating festivals with fireworks.我的问题是:从in favor of prohibiting到结束是不是 argument 的宾语补足 一条长难句But for many,the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.请问这句话的主从结构,特别是as they did with it is in itself a huge 分析一个长难句The possibility that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such hypotheses as that of a companion star with a long-period orbit deflectiing other bodies from their normal orbits,making some of them fall to ear 高手们帮忙分析一个长难句 谢谢啦···· !you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults . 一句长难句his function is analogous to that of a judge ,who must accept the boligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.reveal 后面的in in a matter的话就因该是obviousl 带有郁郁的叠字成语 判断级数的敛散性~ 判别级数敛散性 有丝分裂过程中如何保证遗传物质(DNA分子)在亲代和子代细胞中保持稳定 上面是不字,下面是皿字,念什么? 歹字旁的字有哪些 春色满园关不住 一枝红杏出墙来蕴涵着什么成语 老态龙( )补充成语. 将成语补充完整,使它们成为一条词语“龙”博闻强( )忆犹( )仇旧( )之入骨异想天( )门见( )穷水( )善尽美水深火( )火朝( )经地( )不容辞栩栩如( )离死( )具一(