
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 21:01:43
文言文张齐贤明察里的不以告人里省略了哪个字 I think taking a boat is than taking a bus.A muI think taking a boat is than taking a bus.A much fun B more fun Ca lot of fun Da little fun请给出选择,并用语法知识解释为什么 请说明一下理由.I was thirsty and hungry .But there was ( )left in the fridge.A:something B:anythingC:noneD:nothing I think we ______ go to buy something for dinner,There ___ little food left in the fridgeA,needn't;isB,must;are.C,shall;haven'tD,must;is 求爱祖国爱家乡爱校园的800字初中征文!@ He has dinner at 6:30 划线部分 at 6:30What time __ __ __ __? He often has dinner at his garandparents(划线部分提问)at his garandparents 划线 sit是什么意思? sit有沉淀的意思吗sit有动词沉淀的意思吗?那She let them sit and boil without saying a word怎么翻译? 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ______ ( do) he huve a volleyball 作否定回答 Does Mary play soccer ball NO uat和sit测试的区别是什么 sandm what'sit的翻译是什么意思 sit…into是什么意思 根据所给的词适当形式填空 She can play volleyball_______(good) 我爱母校 是 Mike wants ________(play)basketball.用适当形式填空 我最爱的母校英语怎样说 作文 我爱您,母校一.抒发离别情(开头略)二.用事例说明与母校的感情(一详一略)(事例不用太详细)①与老师之间 ②与同学之间三.首尾呼应,点题(注:不要抄袭)写的好有加悬赏我爱 拿什么奉献给您——我深爱的母校 sit的过去式? 围棋人机对弈,哪个更厉害?可以说明什么?围棋可以体现出中国古人的智慧吧? 如果|a|小于或等于2,那么整数x的所有值为( );如果2小于或等于|x|<4,那么整数x的所有值为( ) His glasses are the same ad hers.(同义词转换) His glasses are___ ______ ____hers. Whose glasses are they?改为同意句 ____ _____ the glasses will sit sit的具体意思 请问sit a spell 人丑还颜控, 什么是熟语 “熟语”是什么? 激浊扬清的古文阅读答案