
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:06:22
We're___(可能) not able to finish the work on time.应该填哪个单词?顺便解释一下为什么填你要填的那个单词.有语法最好也说下语法 英语翻译When winter comes in summerWhen there's no more foreverYeah,that's when I'll stop loving you (echos)Justin:That's when I'll stop loving youI'm sure you've heard these words beforeAnd I know it's hard for you to trust them once moreYou're 人生如歌,歌如梦.人生如梦!梦如花!谁明白这意思! rumor has it that he is resigned 中的has it 怎么理解 rumor has it/someone like you空间链接 英语翻译如题 Tell your friend about you and where you live.的答语急 please tell me____about your close friend bettyAas much as possible Bas many as possible Cas more as possible Dso often as possible 英语将下列句子变成被动语态1.I saw him go into the classroom2. Who often takes care of the old granny? 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译下,并且说明是什么从句?从什么地方看出的?里面的Who 是怎样的用法? i like to have friends who are different from me这个加who好奇怪啊 I'd like to have friends who are different from me.对who are different from me划线部分提问___ ___ ___friends. I like to have friends who are different from me改同义句I like to have friends who are________ _________ _________me i like to have friends who are like me对who are like me划线提问 it has 的用法5、It______the friendliest service. 6、It______the most comfortable seats为什么这两个空用has啊 - - 帮我解释一下我想说的是为什么不用is - - 人的不良生活习惯怎样改变 辩论赛:感恩未必说出来如何提问如何辩论 求辩论赛合作比竞争更重要攻辩材料,要幽默诙谐点的, 英语 句子改为被动语态1.Some people destroy the environment.2.He doesn's water the flowers every day.3.Does a large population cause many problems?4.They clean their dormitory every day.句子改为被动语态 辩论感恩是…辩论是以物质回报为主还是以精神回报为主…有什么理由? 英语把句子改为被动语态1.we can learn a lot from each other 2.we have to concentrate more on our study 3.you should study english by watching english videos 4.you must spend lot time on your studying 5.my mum will clean the windows tomorrow 怎样辩论感恩注重精神?我是反方..正方是注重物质 Take It All 歌词 高中生关于感恩的辩论赛辩题是感恩源于社会需要还是个人需要!望大家各抒己见,谢谢… 把英语句子改为被动语态将该句子改为被动语态The Chinese capital wants to finish all of its sports buildings by 2007 贝乐英语的老师,除了教学,他们对孩子是此怎么样的态度? 求 by Marion Cotillard 的歌词Rob Marshell 最新歌舞片 的原声之一入围第82届奥斯卡最佳原声歌曲一直找不到歌词... 请问 ,贝乐英语安立中心的老师对孩子关心吗 ,教学态度怎样 贝乐学科的英语的师资怎么样 中国商业文化有哪些特点总结 走一步再走一步 我产生了一种巨大的成就感.其中的 巨大 一词是否用得重了?我们明天就上课啦,各位姐姐哥哥帮帮忙啦(新用户,分少了点,不要介意啊)还要讲清为什么哦 “我产生了一种巨大的成就感”一句中,巨大一词是否恰当