
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:48:44
科学家们靠顽强的努力取得了伟大的成就.改为设问句 Mrs Black is a kind woman.She( )others easilyA、gets on well with B、gets to C、gets into D、get 英语翻译What can I compare you to,a favorite pair of shoes?Maybe my bright red boots if they had wingsFunny how we animate colorful objects savedFunny how it's hard to take a love with no sting.But come on take it,come on take it,take it from me Can you tell me any differences between British English and Amerian English?difference加不加S 英语翻译,亲爱的,我们一起买东西吧. 英语翻译1.五元两个.2.我要3个.3.能不能便宜点? More than one lovers are inferior to more than one friends 中国青年志愿者协会的义务 用英文回答简略些 没关系粤语的发音 请标一下粤语音标给我谢谢大概是这样讲的,打出来大概是冇拉楞 后面这两个字粤语正确音标是什么 楞这个字查了一下是leng的,应该是不对请说说 写一篇乡村城市生活作文 1000字 乡村作文1000字要1000字 美好的乡村生活高中作文一千字 如何快速学会粤语? 如何快速学会广东话如何在一个月内学会广东话?我只会写广东话文,但是说得不好! 青年志愿者协会 用英语怎么说 用英语说青年志愿者协会 “青年志愿者协会”英文怎么译 海滩用英语怎么说 怎么加入中国青年志愿者协会?如何才能成为青年志愿者? 我们一周年纪念日 英文翻译. --This is Mary Allan Brown.She's a doctor.You can call her___.空怎么填啊,补充里看1Mr Brown 2.Mrs Mary 3.Ms Allen 4.Dr brown哪个对 It will be a good place for children____a vacation. A.take B.to takeand why. THIS IS A VERY GOOD PALCE TO TAKE A VACATION 翻译句子 一个度假的好地方a good place for a vacation 与 a good place to have a vacation还有 a good place to vacation,a good place to on vacation 哪些是对的? Mrs.Brown konws that woman.You can ask____【she】 The old women was so angry that she could say nothing 改同义句怎么改? She was so oid that she could do nothing的同意句 英语翻译翻译一些英语节日用英语说明在哪一天New Year's Day 在哪一天?劳动节 在哪一天?儿童节 哪一天?教师节 哪一天?国庆节 哪一天?万圣节 哪一天全部用英语 只要我善良用英语怎么说“只要我善良”用英语怎么说,帮忙翻译下, It is a good place to live in.为什么用to This is a good place to live .本句最后要不要跟in呢?为什么练习中要,而课本中却不要呢? 1.Air pollution ____,this city is still a good place to live in.A.being greatly reduced B.greatly being reduced C.to greatly reduce D.greatly to reduce2.Weather _____,the picnic will be held as scheduled.A.permits B.should permit C.will permit D.perm