
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:56:53
sometimes,the more you hide your feeling for someone,the more you fall for them.这句英文说的是什么?高手帮翻译下, :sometimes ,the more you hide your feeling for someone ,the more you fall them.求翻译…… The more he tried to hide his mistakes,the more he revealed them.-----第二个the more为何不用被动态呢.改成the more he was revealed,会不会更好一点,个人想这个them有点指代不明了 The dining hall is beside the gym.(改为同义句)The dining hall is ( )( )the gym一空一词 GOOD MORNING VIETNAM怎么样 we would like stay at a place with a big pool.we would like stay at a place with a big pool同义句转换we would like stay at a place()()()a big pool 女性左眉有痣就是画的地方~意思含义 左眉和左眼下都有颗姊痣什么意思 take the close and constant relation between children and their parents?怎么翻译? 如何利用最后一个月时间提高英语四级?还有一个月就又要考四级了,这一个月我该怎么做才会有效 急用百字英文“work more than a job"(工作不仅仅是挣钱)从三方面说明:1.what is a job2.what is a work3.why work more than a job more job 还是 more work 为什么 everything seems as peaceful as usual.这句话表达有错么. you don\'t how sad l 怎样用手语表达“彩色的阳光” 远的手语怎么打 手语 保险怎么打 手语11怎么打 a short time 是一段时间以后,还是一会儿? 为什么shayne ward不出歌了呀.? why did you treat me in this way GOING TO GUANGZHOU BY TRAIN FROM WUHAN TAKES ONLY 4 HOURS.的同义句转换? 七波辉未来发展的目标是什么? 如何加盟七波辉、七波辉加盟条件、七波辉加盟费 谁知道七波辉是怎么加盟的,请赐教. You're tired Maybe you should stop __(nest) boite pilotée I don't think the job is safe.改为同义句 i/you/am/meet/going/tomorrow/to/?连词成句 the two shops are beside each other同义句 解释加点字,明天要交!解释加点字:更新换貌的更:乐此不疲的疲:不约而同的约:兴奋不已的兴:胜地的胜:湍急的湍:震耳欲聋的欲:跃跃欲试的欲:高山峻岭的峻:高山之巅的巅:擎 帮我设计个美术社团标志和班级标志(要有文字解释,有文采点,)符合美的原则,