
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:56:05
Our flat is on the fifth floor (对画线部分提问) My favourite place is the balcony 同义句 Our class is on the fist floor._______ _______is your class _______? 作文题目什么的目光 simple plan的主唱翻译成中文叫什么 熊的英文 英语翻译 各位哥哥姐姐们,赏我一些好听的作文题目吧 作文:请各位哥哥姐姐们,帮我想一个有新意的作文题目!古人曾写过这样的诗句:“一种春声浑难忘,最是长安课归时.”表现了对放学之后欢快、嬉闹之声的怀恋.今天我们周围的声音让我们 哥哥姐姐们,帮我看看我拟的作文题目有没有什么问题作文主题大概是:不经历风雨哪见得了彩虹我拟的题目是:用落叶抹去心灵的灰尘.内容应该没问题,但这个题目,是不是有点怪怪它是病句 I know a lot more about pain than you think At this point I think you know more adventages than I do有没有什么错误中文是在这点上我相信你们比我更了解它的优点 Look into my eyes Look into my eyes中文意思不是歌名 是中文 Look into my eyes这个是谁写的,出处!要全一点.最好还有中文翻译! 我知道这句的意思,但是请把全诗告诉我. 丶.Look into my eyes I only want to love a person,a good 知道说下! I forever only love a your person 是什么意思知道的快点告诉我谢谢 there is only —— milk in the glass,would you please give me ——?A little ;some B a little ;an选什么?为什么?有点搞why To flee the virtual life为题目写一篇英语作文谈谈虚拟生活的不好,我们又应该怎么办 语句优美的名言,做艺术签名用健康的越多越好 英语翻译,value plan!Arcelor Mittal announces new dividend policy, under which it will pay out 30% of net income annually.93.7% of Arcelor shareholders tender their shares to Mittal Steel.Arcelor Mittal confirms Value Plan up to 2008 最后一句 do you know() next,no that's why they are all waiting here for further informationa.what should we do b.what to do c.what can we do 一首英文歌男的唱的歌词里有i know i know that trued you want for me……一首英文歌男的唱的.歌词里有i know i know that trued you want for me………… girl i know i know选举挺好的 you my best friend歌词里好像还 踩空间的踩字是什么意思 此主屏幕上以没有空间是什么意思?怎么才能让它有空间? Stranger think I was quiet,my friends think I am very cheerful,my best friend know that I is a lu 英文歌.you know that's the better way for you and me to...goodbye my friend. be/come supply for the needs of the people leads to further pollution by industry.. Tis king of food is designed to _____the needs of the people who want to be slim.A gain b ,satisfy c ,admire d ,gather选什么,为什么, 3 In the long run it is far cheaper to____the needs of poor people than to ignore them.3 In the long run it is far cheaper to____the needs of poor people than to ignore them.A require B.meet C.address D.satisfymeet 与satisfy的区别 为什么不可 Socialism is to fully(satisfy)the material and spiritual needs of the people.我想问下这里的空格里为什么填写satisfy这个动词了?(不要长篇大论,满意就采纳)