
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 22:39:31
请问spam(垃圾邮件)的英语全写是什么? bathroom怎么读 spam邮件是什么意思 bathroom 怎么读 怎么去匹配? 英语翻译加气混凝土自保温砌块墙体裂缝及外墙渗水问题的防治漳州信荣建设监理有限公司项目总监本文通过对加气混凝土砌块墙体的开裂,外墙渗水质量问题进行调查和原因分析,同时从管 He was making a movie at the park.的翻译哪位能帮我翻译几个句子啊 = =1.He was making a movie at the park.2.It rained and rained all day long.谢谢 He was making a movie at the aquarium是现在完成时吗? 英语翻译1.顾客满意的开始!------ 2.一生追随,无怨无悔!----3.时刻准备着,服务到底!-----4.形随我动!------- Do you think it is appropriate and beneficial for the younger generation to choose someone in the entertainment business (such as movie stars and sports players) as their life model?正方:it is appropriate and beneficial反方:it is inappropriat 如果有超光速机器,人是否能回到过去?回到过去又能看到什么?能改变现在吗? It‘s kind for you to help me to sIt‘s kind for you to help me to solve this problem 改错 英语翻译Ralph's mastery over the 19 businesses for which he is responsible is truly amazing,and he has also attracted some outstanding managers to run them. 英语翻译In 1993,he warned that businesses create a market for competitors when they think too much about high profits.主角到底是支持competitors 还是反对呢?他警告商界太过看重高利润? 化学工程领域是什么意思?今天刚发现理学院的除了化学和化学工程与技术,还有化学工程领域,这个是什么意思啊? including怎么不 includ与including的区别 这些空怎么填 英语单词:instruction这个词的中文意思在我的英语书上是n.介绍,可是查字典应该是introduction是介绍啊谁能帮我看看这是怎么回事?还是我的英语书上是错的?我记得老师以前和我们讲介绍的英文 notenough hdd free size for image 瞬时速度怎么求,请注明例题加以分析.在此谢过 introduction与instruction有什麽区别?帮下忙啦, v10.0 cad si damaged or not enough free you do not even have courage to talk with mehave后面宾语勇气后面不定时和介词短语,是什么成分 各位大哥大姐,麻烦速度点,小女子,在此谢过.一种报纸,如果一个月一订,没有优惠,每份需10元.如果一年一订,可打9折.订阅一份这种报纸,一年一订比一月一订节省多少钱 Happiness castle是什么意思 moves cO是什么 image文件夹里是什么东西 co-administration是什么意思 图像文件存储量的计算公式是什么? 什么是镜像(mirror image )文件?