
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:13:38
订书机的钉子型号 26/8 24/8 23/8 有什么区别? 我知道那个/8是指的钉子长度是8毫米 那前面的26 24 23又是什么意思呢? 订书机上的26/6是什么意思 如何判断一般能订多少张纸啊 订书机上所标示的23/6 或 23/24 是什么含义?譬如得力0393型订书机上标的23/6 23/24 试论掌握知识和发展智力相统一的规律. 请问一下这两张智商图的规律是什么?看不懂怎么解啊?我看不出他的规律. 宝盖头加个水字读什么 were the situation to continue as it is , the future generation would not bother to think of excuse for us. 麻烦大神翻译下这个句子吧,主要是后面部分,谢谢! We were puzzled about the situation,______what we should do next.wonderto wonderwonderedwondering is getting difficult to continue my work as if nothing were wrongit is getting difficult to continue my work as if nothing were wrong If it were not for their support,we would be in a diffcult situation那个were为什么不是were,而不是 is 或was或 are pay the bill和pay the price的区别 what's the price of the clothes?they_______180RMB A;pay B:take C:cost D;spend Fight, fight to death!怎么翻译? 英语翻译Yellowcard - FightingI said I'd moved on and I'll leave it alone,But before I walk out there is something that I need you to know,I got lost in a blink of an eye,And I can never get back,no I've never got back,You were not there when I wa How much did he pay for this pair of trousers?的同义句是什么? 我名字——易鹏,想取个好听点的英文网名,不甚感激! This blouse is too small.Do you have a ____(big)one?How much ___(be)this pair of trousers?↓This blouse is too small.Do you have a ____(big)one?How much ___(be)this pair of trousers?This year's football cards ___two yuan each. I like dark blue_____this one is too light.A.and B.but 连词成句、 blue、is、this、big、one、and、light 诸位,帮忙翻译一句而已.he said goodbye to and left ..I prefer blue.but this bule is too dark -----(I) is blue ,and this one is gray 求翻译:Because no one is no duty in this light blue little summer. at a future 和 in future的区别 "线段的垂直平分线上的点到这条线段两个端点的距离相等"的否命题是什么? 证明:到线段两个端点距离相等的点在这条线段的垂直平分线上 线段的垂直平分线的点到这条线段俩个端点的距离相等?改写成"若P.则Q"的形式 逆命题.否命题.和逆否命题.随便判定下它们的真假? 五条关于大海的诗词名句,三条关于保护大海的宣传语 翻译:从现在开始我要抓紧练习英语,挣取以后用英语和您对话. 订书机怎么上针 布朗一家人正在澳大利亚观光旅行 英语The Browns _____ _____ _____ in Australia. Dear Pen pal,I'm having a great time in Hong Kong ,although I have to honest and say that I prefer怎么样给同学样这篇课文 跳出短语及其结构 并讲解 急 狮子奔跑时的最高速度可以达到60千米/时,比猎豹慢十一分之五,猎豹奔跑时速度时的最高时速是多少?方程