
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:46
英语翻译《阿凡达》导演卡梅隆接受采访时说:“ I think that science fiction became more escapist fantasy and less a warning or intellectual medium.I think that Avatar was an attempt to merge science fiction back to its roots of ha 边长为4cm的等边三角形面积多大 等边三角形边长4cm,面积为? 等边三角形边长为4cm,则该三角形的面积为______平方厘米. 边长为4cm的正三角形的面积为?平方厘米 一个等边三角形的面积是4cm,则这个三角形边长是多少? 根据括号的提示,进行同义句转换.Tony used a dictionary to look up new words.(with)Everyone wonders how to improve their memory.(want to know)If u eat healthy food,u can keep fit.(unless) 根据括号中的提示,进行同义句转换If you eat healthy food,you can keep fit(unless) This old car has syopped working again(go wrong) 英语同义句.带括号的是要同义转换的.1.HE KEPT WATCHING TV UNTIL HIS PARENTS CAME BACK2.(what do you mean) by liquid gold?3.the mountain (is covered with) young trees4.The old vase (is of great value)5.(Remeber) to call me back6.Please w 对括号内部分提问,和一个同义句,1.Tom's brother does his homework (at school) in the afternoon.2.the teacher likes (to watch TV) in the evening.3.that girl is short.(改为同义句) 一个日本女歌手唱的英文歌,中间歌词是let's go out toningh,so we can have a good time.还有一句 we can do anything you like,just cheer up and go sometimes.很欢快的曲风.有谁听过这歌吗 圆滑~!这个“荒谬”的词?下面是我跟一位好人的聊天记录:这本东西不太好~! 我不是需要这种书,它里面书说的东西我大概能了解,其实我之所以想要看《赢在社交》这本书,是因为我在baidu里 同义句转换.每空一词1.Beneath the tree sat a boy.A boy ______ ______ the tree.2.Do you know the girl?She is beneath the tree.Do you know the girl ______ ______ under the tree?3.After she finished her homework,she went to bed at once.She went 边长为a的等边三角形的面积为? 等边三角形的边长为A,它的面积是多少 等边三角形边长为a,则它的面积是? 等边三角形的边长为a,则它的面积为 How does your father like?和How is your father like?的区别如题,二者区别是什么 1.How are you today?2.What 's your hobby 3.Does your father like collecting stamps?4.What do you want to be 5.What are you going to do tomorrow?根据实际回答问题 My father is( a musician).对括号里的内容提问:( ) does your father ( Her father's father is his father .he is her ( ) .He isn't her son 第九题 Everybody Have A Good Time 歌词 已知等边三角形的边长为a,则高为多少? 已知等边三角形的边长为2,则它的高为___;若等边三角形边长为A,则它的高为____,面积为____ 已知,等边三角形ABC的边长为a,p是已知等边三角形ABC的边长为a,P是△ABC内一点,PD‖AB,PE‖BC,PF‖AC,点D,E,F分别在BC、AC、AB上,猜想PD+PE+PF=( ),并证明你的猜想. what does his father do?he is a [()e()()()()()()] 偏旁走在加上个巽.家谱上这个字都不知道叫什么是个走字加上个巽,刚才我没说清楚 这个字:一个大口,里面是一撇一捺+下面一个小口?怎么念?状似一个人的表情.一个大口,里面是一撇一捺,下面+个小口好似是08年衍生出来的象形字. 用诗写生活 同字里面一横改成一撇一捺读什么 ( )( )为人 是词语( )( )为人 是词语 是自私自利的反义词