
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:46:17
国际结算中的题目,英文的不知道啥意思1.ASSIGNMENT 1(1)To design a underlying contract,100% payment made by credit!(2) To fill Application Form to issue a documentary credit.(3) Apply for packing loan (exporter) or Limits for issuing a 英语翻译REMARKS:with 5% more or less both in amount and quantity at the Seller's OptionPACKING:50kg to one gunny bag.Total 40000 bags.SHIPMENT:To be effected during December 1998 from Shanghai .China to Colon,r.p.allowing partial shipments and tr 国际结算英文文献谁能发给我20000字的关于国际结算的英文文献 最好带中文翻译 英语翻译紧急!有没有谁能帮我翻译一下下面那些国际结算英文专用语!国际结算英文专用语集锦AcceptanceThe act of giving a written undertaking on the face of a usance bill of exchange to pay a stated sum on the maturit 英语翻译1、We hereby issue our irrevocable doc credit LC for $4500 available with us by acceptance against presentation of the documents detailed herein ,and of your drafts at 45 days sight for 100% of invoice value drawn on us.2、We hereby iss 行政部主任的英语译法,对外联络部主任的英语译法 我国面积最小的省 中国英文名的来历中国在什么时候有的CHINA这个英文名?CHINA原意是什么?是否含有贬义?请分开详细回答 This book is___but l am not__in it .填,interested还是interesting,interesting 中国英文名的由来中国的英文翻译成CHINA i'm interesting in the interested story哪错了急死了 求工程部,技术部,商务部,财务部,行政部,人事部,总经理,预算部,工程技术部的英文!公司要做名牌,要正确的翻译!不然我会被骂死! 做一个有道德的人——做文明有礼朝阳人 征文我急用,谢谢. 请问质管部、设备部、物资部、市场部、财务部、行政人事部、总经办英文怎么说 讲公德守法纪文明安全每一天征文. 人事部跟行政部的区别有哪些,两者之间又有什么联系? 讲公德、守法记,文明安全每一天这篇征文怎么写? 文明道德伴我成长的征文.字数多. 英语翻译我的翻译是 行政人事部:Administrative department and human resources department 行政人事部部长 :Manager of administrative department and human resources department要印名片,位置有限,请问谁有更好的翻译 新疆的面积有多大? 新疆面积多大 新疆的总面积是多大?贵州的总面积又有多大? AS +adj(原级)+AS,请问AS 的用法?AS +adj(原级)+AS,可是我们刚学了一句英语:PLEASE WHRITE YOUR ENGLISH AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN!这句话的 CAREFULLY明明不是原级啊?请问大家怎么用?:¢好望角 最后二个词组能举 as+adj+as的用法是“sth as+adj+as ”还是“sth be as+adj+as”? AS +adj(原级)+AS,请问AS 的用法?aAS +adj(原级)+AS,可是我们刚学了一句英语 :PLEASE WHRITE YOUR ENGLISH AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN!这句话的 CAREFULLY明明不是原级啊?请问大家怎么用? 新西兰英文名字的来源据说新西兰的英文名是用荷兰的一个市名来命名的 as adj as与as adv asThey are as____as usual.A happily B busily C friendly D carefully为什么选择C?不是 as+adj/adv+as 的么? 求歌词:yo listen up this is my tragic story this is just to break in my heart只是其中的一句歌词,现求歌名叫什么, 怎样判断as……as这个短语中间用adj还是adv Yo listen up this is my tragic story this is just to break in my heart 关于as adj\adv LiBin does his homewore as carefully as Lin Dong.为什么这个地方用carefully?用careful不行吗?My father does everything more __carefully___than my mother.为什么这个地方也是一个副词为什么不是一个形容词? Listen,this is a r_____ story.The mother s_____ worried about her son.Old people enjoy staying in the same place q_____首字母填空