
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:41:18
There are over 6000 students in the university,many of___come from overseas.A.them B.whom C.which D.those 青年教师如何成长 关于青年教师如何尽快成长的研究 青年教师在教学实践中如何实现自我成长 年轻教师如何快速成长 there are fifty student in my class fifty提问—) ( )( )student( )( )in your class 翻译:What season is the harvest season? 英语翻译1.使向……请教 I____her____Mr.Wang for further information 2.只准备,限制 The author will ____himself____ a discussion of these two topics.3.担负得起 In completion of the task,we can't ____ the waste of a single minute.4.强 What do we call people who climb? What do we call people who dance?What do we call people who swim?What do we call people who skate?What do we call people who win?What do we call people who sing?怎么回答(用英语)? Could i have something to eat?sure,here's some _____A.chicken B.tomatoes为什么选A 这几个形容词在句子中的成分e.g I painted the house happy.中的happy.e.g I painted the house white.中的whitee.g He went home quickly,anxious to see his daughter.中的anxiouse.g He closed the door quietly,afraid of waking the baby up. 英语翻译梁启超的《敬业与乐业》翻译句子 词语1.言行相顾2.百行业为先,万恶懒为首3.万不能容赦的 我马上大二了,英语基础还可以,剑桥商务英语(BEC)的初级、中级、高级我考哪个更合适?请前辈指教, 什么样的英语基础适合报考商务英语中级 Let me have a book.为什么加me 英语翻译尊敬的主席对方辩友大家好,我们辩题为于女性来说,智慧比美丽更重要.下面我将从以下几点来阐述我方观点 英语翻译The scholar indicated that the perceived risk depends on the buyer’s general internet expertise as well as on the information provided on the web site.In any case,it can be supposed that the perceived risk will lead consumers to conside 英语翻译文章主要是讲social media data的优缺点当其用在科学研究中的时候.讲缺点的时候有这样一句话:We will begin by talking about sampling problems.A sampling frame is often impossible to creat.Except in certain li The king of England‘s people 这是个歧义句,改写成两个表示不同意义的句子 "Robin's day" "The King,Richard the Lionheart,was often away from England for a long time."翻译答后另有奖赏 I SERVED THE KING OF ENGLAND怎么样 the king of england defeated the one of spain.这句子错误在哪里?为什么 Let me_(have)a book.用所给词的适当形式填空 Let me a have a look b to help you c reading this book选择 学商务英语需要有很好的英语基础吗?我现读的是工商行政管理 但不懂得工商行政管理的作用喔 想转商务英语喔 但 我的English基础太差了 可以说是零基础 想问下 商务英语需要英语很厉害的 没有英语基础,学旅游好还是商务英语啊.哪个好就业? In America they call football(?) In America they call ( )“ fall”括号里填:A.autumn B.winter C.spring D.summer in america they call football是什么意思 请问广外商务英语全英教学会很难听懂吗?我英语基础不是很好,学这个可以吗? We call ( ) "football" in England(英国). If you have any questions, please____(raise,rise)your hands