
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:14:18
there____ _____water in them 填is are some any I don't think there is.serious.(填nothing还是anything) we never worry about anything.改同义there is开头 a lot/few of them are in our school basketball team.lot和few选择哪个? He invited me for lunch and I insisted that we go Dutch What does "Go Dutch"mean?_______ 单选 Tom insisted that he ___anything wrong and ___.意思:汤姆坚持说他没有做错任何事,他不应该受到惩罚(punished) 按照意思正确填空, What an a____ book it is!应该填什么? 定语从句结构分析:In our class there are 46 students,half of ____wear glasses.答案是whom.为什么不是who.ok做介词宾语,但主语又去哪了.小弟不懂请高人指教. 一道英语定语从句问题:There are 40students in our class in all,most of whom are from big cities.上述问题中most of 后面为什么接的是whom而不是who,在这个从句中whom做了主语,做主语的应该是who啊.还是因为of 改错1:There are 57 students in our class,and most of whom are from shanghai.另一个 Her teacher's method is nothing like the others in the school.我知道很脑残.但我英语太渣. “Once bitten,twice shy”的中文意思是什么 once bitten,twice shy的意思 16.To master a foreign language,______ .A.a lot of practice is needed needs a lot of practiceC.practice is in need of needs a lot of practice 一次是once,两次是twice,三次是什么啊 哪首歌的歌词里有sometimes 什么什么love you 英语翻译 【法语】有关提问宾语与倒装的问题提问这句话的宾语.《Le miel attire les mouthes.》《Qu'est-ce que le miel attire?》et《Qu'est-ce que attire le miel》,哪一个正确,还是两个都可以?我对语法的倒装使用挺模 I want nobody nobody But You 是什么歌 my father's name is Lintao(is lintao 提问 ) his name is( mike) (对划线部分提问) 英语翻译一句中文一句英文,要有对比 i wanna nobody nobody but you I want nobody nobody but you 中文什么意思 My name is mike的同义句是什么求大神帮助 the next Sunday与 next Sunday?1.the next Sunday=the following Sunday(参考见苏教版牛津英语7B)可是next前面加the也是过去式.1.中的翻译为接下来的星期日.那么the next Sunday 到底是一般过去时还是一般 在部分倒装的句子中,如果主语是代词,还需要倒装吗?还有为什么? "they don't need me at all now,"he tells h____ People ( ) all their lives chasing things they don't really need.共有词:most,can,mile,rich,be,live,use,I ,reply,they,spend,three用这几个词中的某个的词的适当形式填空,应该填什么啊?为什么? My name is Mike Broown.Mike is my___ (one)name. love u by my life li will (i will b No one can replace you 怎么念 no one in the world that could replace you 的中文翻译是什么?