
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:49:50
不确定的请说明 1 He has repaired the tap that was found ( ).leak/leaking/leaked2 The accident ( ) because it was very foggy that evening.did happen/ has happened /happened3 I was told that the trains ( ) run on Thursday,but they did.did not mi The general manager demanded that the job___ completed before summer holidays.A.would be B.must be C.be D.had to be ________by the police,the crazy kidnappers had nothing to do but give up.A Surrounded B Surrounding C Having surrounded D Was surrounded As the sun goes down,Xitang looks even more attractive with lanterns______high and low.A hanging B hung C hanged A:_____is she?A:______did you go B:I went to the zoo.B:She's lingling.A:________?B:I'm fine.Thank you. 用how long造句 用how long造句并回答 初三数学知识 半径分别为5厘米和12厘米的两圆相切,经过一个交点分别作两圆的切线,两条切线经过另一个圆的圆心,那么两圆的圆心距为_________厘米 (如IE是AE和DE的比例中项) 如图,在⊙O中,AB,BC为弦,OC与AB相交于点D,试判断∠ODB,∠OCB与∠OBD的大小关系,并说明理由.明天就要交 初三数学知识 以下一.把下列一般式并写出a b c 的位置 1.x(x+3)=x-6 2. (2x-2) (3x+3)=6 二.下列阿些是方程X2+X-12=0的根 -4 ,-3 ,-2 ,-1 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3,4 It was()it rained heavily that they didn't come.A.as B.becauseC.forDsince 为什么不选C 用long造句,要有多长. for long造句用for long 造句 ‘Yes,’ the voice said ,‘but 24 days ago,I was floating comfortably in a cloud with many friends of mine above Yunnan,enjoying the view.Then the cloud dropped me into a stream,and I sped down the mountain into the Dongjiang River.You know the ri 点A(1,—2),B(2,—3),C(3,10)是否在方程x^2-xy+2y+1=0表示的曲...点A(1,—2),B(2,—3),C(3,10)是否在方程x^2-xy+2y+1=0表示的曲线上?为什么? 判断点A(1,-2)B (2,-3)C(3,10)D(4,2)是否在方程X^2-XY+2Y+1=0上判断点A(1,-2)B (2,-3) C (3,10) D(4,2) 是否在方程X^2-XY+2Y+1=0上 八上英语作文,郎朗是当今世界最著名的钢琴家之一.请根据下表中的信息并以“LangLang--A well-known Pianist”为题,写一篇70词左右的简介.时间 年龄 主要事件1982 0 出生在沈阳1985 3 开始弹钢琴1987~1 急求英语作文 有四篇1) 假设你是高二学生李华.昨晚,同学们聚在一起相互探讨自己的崇高理想和愿望.你们班长的话引起了你的思索.他说,一个人的价值并不在能干多大的事业,而在于能否成 谁能整理出高中的地理知识 Let's talk about when________(start) tomorrow morning 急,求一英语作文,初三(12)班45人,准备利用周末时间搞一次活动,在Science Museum 和Beijing Amusement Park 中选一个地方.其中同意去Science Museum 的有7人,14人反对,而同意去Beijing Amusement Park 的有20人,4 八下英语作文 新年到了同学们一定有很多想法.以日记的形式,介绍自己在学习、身体、家务劳动、旅游等方面的计划,并针对自身的不足之处,说说你打算怎么做.要求写出意思连贯、符合逻辑 bright怎么读? y^2*exp(-y^2)积分 积分从负无穷到正无穷 对y积分 答案是(根号PI)/2 根据答语写句子完成对话:A:Excuse me.Can i ask you some questions?B:Sure.A:B:my birthday is in March.A:B:I usually eat good food.A:B:I like chicken best.A:B:Because it's tasty.A:B:yes,I'm going to KFC.A:Thank you for telling me.B:you're we oh,must you?stay a bit longer____ thanks anyway.I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning.a)It’s been such fun having you b)maybe you can have supper herec)it's so pleasant to meet youd)let's have another chat x-0.8x=7求解方程 一道小学英语题!急求!立刻采纳I Zhang Peng'sclass,every student has a pen pal.Miss White helps them to send letters once a week.Zheng Peng knows his pen pai goes to school on foot,and his pen pai'smotheris s doc tor.His pen pal's father i 小学英语,求解答,必采纳!sick的近义词( )there的同义词( )here的反义词( )free的反义词( ) 速度用英文怎么说 描写美不胜收的诗句、描写山水景色的诗句、描写亲情感怀的的诗句.蒽、最好是简单一些的八,是古诗文,