
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 17:48:50
语文形近字组词琐( ) 最好一分钟内给我答案 持之以恒,三天打鱼两天晒网的意思,最好一分钟内给我答案 诀窍,琐碎的近义词,最好一分钟内给我答案 麻烦,酒,否则,怎么写,一分钟内给我答案 漆黑,朦胧,痛苦的近义词,最好一分钟内给我答案 You should be careful of such a person _flatters you in your presence and speaks ill of you inin behind.为什么填as,不填who? 符号左右翻转怎么打 Sonetimes,the wind gets very strong and it becomes a typhoon.(解释句子) 括号里的符号怎么打(^) Please be quiet!The other ( ) hear very!A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn’t D.needn't ( ` )括号中的这个符号是怎么打出来的? Thomas,please be quiet.The others _____hear very well.A.can not B.must not c.should not D.need notThomas,please be quiet.The others _____hear very well.A.can not B.must not c.should not D.need not what exactly are CAPITAL LETTERS for in the English writing system?怎么翻译? 刽子手的“刽”读什么,意思是什么? 英语翻译详情——Adele:someone_like_you,第一句歌词. 刽子手的刽怎么读? “刽子手”中“刽”字读音? 刽子手中“刽”字发什么音? the it often rains,sometimes it rains quiet______A.big B.small C.heavy D.heavily It's often rains and sometimes very heavily的中文意思 LOOK at the mirrOr and answer 屋顶上的绿宝石里面有三个主演说过"刽子手",没一个说对的,都念成筷子手,谁能读对发音?听着真难受,难道导演\制片人,还有许许多多参与剪辑制作的人都没发现吗,这么严重的错误重复地犯, 刽子手怎么读 这个符号怎么打出来?(`)括号里的 contain at least 1 mixed case lower upper and lower case letters and numbers. when do we use capital letter 太阳系为什么绕昴星转 昴星是否与太阳一样是个火球?要清楚点的解释 太阳为什么绕昴宿星团转科学研究 七姐妹星团最多形成不过2亿年,难道由于是离我们太阳系近引力大?那2亿年前太阳又是绕什么星团转?