
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:34:49
“不怕危险”的词语3个可能有分奖. 新目标初一动词过去式从初一上到初一下的9单元.注意,是新目标 初一年级新目标英语的所有动词及其过去式懒得一个个照了 大家有现成的没? There is not much time If it is used many times 的同义句是什么 It is (too tired) for the little girl to learn at the same time so many things.这句话是错的,不能用too tired,应该用 too much,但为什么不能用too tired 有be动词.是加ing? 在be动词后的动词都要加ing吗 5个危急的四字词 描写情况危急的四字词例如:千钧一发 “不怕危险”的词语4个 I will always have time to see 我们总是彼此谈得很高兴.We always have a great time ___ to_________. 一般现在时没有Be动词用ing吗如题.还有 比如 He aways (get) up early 这里的get加Ing吗 初三最后一个学期了,我学习很差,之前没怎么学,想努力考上重点高中,有希望吗玩了8年,现在醒悟了我期末考试总分810 我考450一个学期追回3个学期有可能吗 表示情况十分危急的词语 比喻在危险的时刻把全部力量拿出来冒一次险.求一词语. 比喻在危险的时刻把全部的力量拿出来冒一次险.这个是什么词语? Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which准确通顺的翻译,跪谢 英语,一大题, 英语动词不定式高手进Very few people were interested in them and 4.(knew how to use them.)4.你是怎样理解此处的动词不定式?And they can do a lot of work,many people like 5.(to use them.)5.此处的动词不定式做什么 英语改错 50分 1.I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it.2.This is all what Dr.Smith said at the meeting.3.He promised to come and see us after the supper.4.John has come here to see you,but he left 5 minutes ago.5.I have he 英语改错 50分的.I can hardly believe so,but my high school life is almost over!I always felt excited every time i think that in a few month i will graduate from high school and go to college.the first thing what i am going to do after graduatio 50分求英语改错If you are not busy and you want to have a very quick meal,there is no good place than a self-service restaurant.You the brothers tried to fly their airplane three 英语翻译 从初中到高中没学过英语了还有救吗 2007年希望之星英语风采大赛初中组和高中组的冠军是哪个?有知道请告之.一直在追蹿,可是这两天没有信号没办法看到,如果谁知道初中组和高中组的冠军请告之.不好意思,我分数很少,只能给 初中上课英语没学、、、、高中怎么办、一点也不懂? borrow的过去式是什么?——快抢啦,限时1分钟 内容是我什么喜欢杭州.其实就是介绍杭州啦!注意是英语哦!一分钟之内讲完. 英语翻译Exchange a glance with someone,then look away.So you realize that you have made a statement?Hold the glance for a second longer,and you have made a different statement.Hold it for 3 seconds,and the meaning has changed again.For every soci