
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:48:53
大家看看这句啊有语法错误啊?应该怎么写?:I here by have to say goodbye to all of you 这道VB练习题怎么解 有关VB的试题,急 第4章练习题一、写出下列Visual Basic表达式正确的形式.(1) -3 / 8 + xy – 8.Cos28○(2) (8 + 6) ^ (4 ÷ -2) + Sin(2 * )(3)[(x + y) + z] × 80 - 5(C + D)二、将下列数学代数式写成Visual Basi 高中会考信息技术VB题s=0for k=1 to 10 step 2s=s+kNext该程序运行后变量s的值是 -----------. 英文中最高级后面什么时候用in或者ofHe is the tallest in the class.用的inHe is the tallest of the boys.用的of什么时候用in,什么时候用of? 英语最高级of和the的用法区别 millie often plays the tennis after school 这句话哪里错的呢 并改正 比较级中 of 与 among 有什么区别是在最高级中 among和of以及in的区别?For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,of which New York is an example.of 可以换成among或者in吗?先行词是many cities,那New York is an example among或者 in many cities好像也说 体细胞中含有两个染色体组的个体就是二倍体 为什么错 _____of the teachers is going to the party next weekA)All B)Both C)Neither D)Some Are you an americanwhy do you always answer other's by english At school Joe works hard and does well in (). homework,Gina,school,does,often,at.这些词组句子,正确的句子. Gina does her homework at school.(用at this moment改写句子)Gina( ) ( )her homework at school at this moment. Does you mother fun well?这句话的意思Does you mother Run well?这句话的意思 老子的道家和庄子的道家一样吗 老子和庄子道家智慧的现实意义具体点,结合实际 You are a American?你是美国人吗最近在网上有很多人喜欢这样用不是应该是 ARE YOU American?我知道Don't you like me?这样可以用You are American lmagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing Write a travel diary.假如你是一名在北京度假的美国学生,写一篇旅游日记 英语 请问5题和8题怎么做?用介词填空! 请问,5题为什么要这样填? What's his present____him?填什么介词 Can I help you,madam?I would like a kiCan I help you,madam?I would like a kilo of ______ A.meat B.cake C.banana D.apple 选什么?为什么? 他是英国人 英语怎么说 .用不用加 a 或是 an He is (an) EnglishHe is (a) British2.类似的 他是美国人 .前面要冠词么?如果后面是 English student。前面得有 你是英国人吗?是 Are you English?还是 You are English? 谁能告诉我道家老子在即将死的时候怎样的状况?说了什么? The stong woman have no power 我熟悉的一种动物 600字作文至少600字 我熟悉的动物作文200字 作文:那一只动物,让我懂得_____ He said he would no longer live here.改为同义句 HeHe said he would no longer live here.改为同义句 He said he ( )live here( )( ) She said she would live in London for_four or fiveyears.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others为什么选B,