
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:00:38
求大神帮忙找出这些英语句子的主语分别都是什么1. Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet. 2. The use of pesticides and fertilizers produces cheap grain and vegetables. 3. Second, attending college or 谁是主语 逻辑主语?本人英语菜鸟 求大神it's no good for you to smoke so much day 求大神分析一下这个句子里的各个成分 谢了! 关于逻辑主语和状语的独立主格结构的问题.在非谓语动词前加上逻辑主语可表一个相当于状语从句的意思,是否有如下改法:You shouldn't talk to them while they are eating.可否改为:they eating,You should 什么是慧星 为什么要找彗星 彗星之最是什么意思? 有哪位知道词根+前缀re un的?还有后缀+er ful的?作业所需嘛没办法 只知道英语中ful可以做后缀,当“充满…的”讲,不知道能不能做前缀就是说ful-后面加一个名词或形容词,还是不是“充满……的”的意思?英语中有没有这个说法?也就是说,ful做前缀时是不是f You are my happiness You are so happiness是什么意思 上级读下级的东西用什么词语 上级对下级工作肯定,除了肯定这个词,还可用什么词. 3.It rains a lot in spring there.( 改为一般疑问句) _____________________________ 4.Whose are these trousers?( 改为同义句)  ____________________________ Though the life is struggle ,you should persuit your happiness To be responsible for your life venice is fantastic you should' miss it in your life合并 An insignificant person in your life,I'm sorry,should not bother you的意思 奥巴马有个演讲是用I have a dream 开头的吗 有那个演讲的地址吗 what do you think we should do to improe our environment?的作文70单词左右,考试急用! 英语句子改错 Mr.Smith ,you are being wanted on the phone .哪里错了,怎么改? i wanted you英文歌词要英文的哦~~谢谢啦.Ina的 歌词:It's Christmas Day,when I leave you,nomater who you are...女的唱的,求RT开头是钢琴 登 登 登登~ you are wanted___the phone.it might be your mother.空处应填a on.b by.c in.d though.有详解更我好 英语 You are__on the phone Eating lots of vegetables and enough meat can ( )you healthy all the time .A make B get C keepD stay would you please tell me what time it is?It's five minutes to nine___my watch.A.on B.by C.at D.in there( )(be)a lot of paper1 there be 和a lot of 怎么连用,be用is 还是 are 贫民窟的百万富翁观后感 贫民窟里的百万富翁观后感,急. there aren't lot of books here.改错 There were a lot of books here yesterday.一半疑问句