
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 08:50:45
请英语高手写一个关于 中国公共假日的 一篇文章以china public holidays为核心. Traditional holidays of China翻译 festivals and holidays in the uk presentation Don`t forget to put the holidays and festivals in. holidays与 festivals有区别吗? 将一直角三角形的直角顶点M放在腰长为4的等腰直角三角形ABC斜边的中点,另两条直角边分别与线段bc,ac交与d,e两点,当绕着直角顶点M旋转时,该直角三角形两直角边与△ABC两直角边的交点位置 finish to do sth还是doing sth 数学达人们,小弟不才,各个数学达人们,小弟才疏学浅,能否求真相. 实用主义哲学是什么啊,请说的具体点是不是就是为了利益最大化可以忍耐现有的一起,只是为了最终的目的可以采取一系列必要的手段 实用主义哲学对管理的影响是什么 polar ice pack thx The books I have read ____(mark) in bright red.You can easily find them. Love does not need always together,actually to request to have mutual affinity.我老婆回答我的话, consider是什么意思 be consider to be consider 讠吉 怎么读,什么音 consider是什么意思啊?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 吉加力这个字怎么念呀? Love you,does not need any reason. what how 的句型用法询问意见时用what do you think of 你认为……怎么样?How do you like 你喜欢……吗?而询问天气时是用What's the weather like today?=How is the weather today?我搞不太清楚诶.请权威人士解答! Love a person does not need the reason our love do not need any reason.麻烦谁能给个正确的答案. I found my books_________I had left them.A.in which B.where如何选择?为什么?请讲解的详尽一点 怎么分析It was where i had left them that i found my lost books. I found my book where I had left them,这个句子是从句吗,是什么从句,修饰哪个...I found my book where I had left them,这个句子是从句吗,是什么从句,修饰哪个词, It was____ that I found my lost books.A where I had left themB wherever C in the place that I had leftD here and there Their neighbour give them a treat of sweets.同义句转换,马上就要 清风抽纸品牌口碑好吗?有几大系列? 实用主义哲学的经典著作? 仿照事例填空,示例:()心狗肺,十()九空—(引狼入室)1.巧夺天(),()事如神-( )2.()飞凤舞,谈()色变-( )附:观察下面三组句子的对应关系,并用简洁的语言表述出你 请有家教经验的朋友进来帮个忙,关于英语我的表弟英语很不好,他现在初一.我舅舅要我给他补习,由于我自己对英语很感兴趣,所以学起来一点都不觉得痛苦,很自然的成绩还不错.所以,对于补 照例子写成语.例:(狼)心狗肺 十(室)九空 (引狼入室)一()二白 丧()天良 ( )神()颠倒 惊心动() ( )()陋寡闻