
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:39:20
根据括号中的提示,用定语从句完成下列各句:1.A student _________________will earn respect from otherstudents.(you have to work hard and achieve high grades in exams)2.you may look up a dictionary _________________ when learning new with the development of computers,it is___man had suddenly become a millionaire of the mind.A.that B.as if C.like D.as选什么,为什么I took his word for__he would try his best to help us.A.that it B.it that C.which it D.it which句子意思是什 都是根据后面括号内的中文和英文单词提示完成句子,给的英文单词一定要用上的.1.He found it ________(很难集中注意力在)one thing for 5 hours.(focus)2.___________whether the plan will work in practice.(remain,see)3. 1.___be sent to the stricken area?A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that shouldC.Do you suggest who shouldD.Do you suggest whom should(正解是A 我选的是B why)2.On the door pinned a note,____"Admission by invitation only".A.says B.writte 1.What caused the accident ______ on the road.a.were stone b.were stones c.was stone d.was stones2.All but him and me ______ to the exhibition.a.am going b.is going c.are going d.was going3.Mathematics ______ the language of science.a.is b.has been c 高一英语几道题目在横线处添上关系代词.1.The factory ______ we visited last week makes radios.2.My father's birthday is the day _______ i will remember forever.第1题where,that,which都可以么?第2题是which,that,省略? 1.他本不该在哄骗人们后逃掉的.(ought not to have,get away with)________________________________________________________________2.天天吃一种食品让人厌倦吗?为什么不到这里来换个口味呢?(tired of,why not)______ 急-------希望能有详细的讲解,1.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_____was very reasonableA.which price B.the price of which C.its price D.the price of that 2____is known to everyone,the moon travels round the earth once every month.A 翻译:1、在……起重要作用2、积极做某事3、点燃火炬4、他不会把女儿嫁给那个不诚实的人的5、(我觉得)和你一起共餐很荣幸填空:6、Many characters were c_______ in Shakespeare's plays.选择:7、 Is this bike ____ you were looking for this morining?A.that B.which C.the oneI recognised your voice ____ I answered the phone.A.the moment B.the moment when C.the moment which 正确的是书名号 错误的是括号.In the solar system,only the earth satisfies the complex conditions(that is necessary) for physical life as we know2 The(expreienced) doctor in the country were attending the medical meeting to find out the re 英语翻译高一英语必修一得也行~ 2009高一英语必修1短语短语要写的很仔细,如果有参考,把参考地址留下. 高一英语必修1,2短语谁有高一必修1和2的短语总结啊?要有翻译的! - 外研版高一英语必修1~2短语- 就是教科书内、最后几页单词表里、从M1~M6的短语小结、要带意思- .麻烦你了.. 【急!在线求助】高一英语必修一、必修四【重庆大学出版社】的重点单词、短语、句子、课文!不要粘贴的!要重中之重的!搞错了,是必修一和必修二 高一英语新课标必修一单词听力录音 高一英语必修2词汇表要以字母排得, 广东人教版高一英语必修二单词表要完整的,有Δ的要有,要有词类、中文要完整的,最好有音标.(好像书上一样的)谢谢了! 北京西城高一英语必修二单词表 新标准高一英语必修1单词表下载! 谁有 新高一英语必修一的单词表我只想提前背一下 新目标的新高一必修一全部的单词表 求高一英语必修1词汇表谁有呀,第一个词是SURVEY的 2010高一英语必修一单词 mp3 高一英语必修三 四单词+mp3高一英语必修三,四单词表+mp3 新标准 高一英语必修一 module 1 单词第一个是academic adj.学术的 高一英语必修一各个单元的单词听力 高一英语外研版山西专用必修一、必修二单词听力MP3 q.q 邮.箱 329169038 新课标高一英语必修1,2单词听力MP3请直接上传 人教版高一英语必修1 单词 听力1098601142@qq。com 我下载 完整的 谢谢! 求人教版高一英语必修1全部单词、全部单元的课文录音,mp3格式.邮箱jzshannoon@126.com速度! 新标准高一英语必修一的单词录音有木有?急用!