
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:07:09
Tony doesn't watch sports on TV on school nights.这句话如何翻译,school nights前为什么用on,不用in? It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen.等于 It It would be nice if we could get a rIt would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen.It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen.等于 It would be nice if we could get It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could cook our own meals.改为同义句 :It would be nice if we could get a room____ ____ a kitchen so we could cook our own meals. We want a room ____a kitchen in it . A:which with B:with这里答案是选B,为什么不能选A,讲原因? I watch interesting cartoons on CCTV 3 __________.A.two days B.two every days C.every two days D.every two day 2.Do you know ______"Thank you"?Yes,I do.A.how to answer B.to answer C.how answering D.what to answer3.Are you come from Nanjing?还是Do y 关于教师节的诗歌、作文有哪些? 有关教师节的诗和作文.快 作文 关于教师节的作文,教师节的历史介绍,赞美老师的诗歌 不要太长的 博弈论中 逆向归纳解 与 子博弈精炼解 的区别? The panda eats bamboo.(用grass改为选择疑问句)教教啦 博弈论中:完美信息与完备信息有何区别? the elepant eats grass.the zebra eats grass too同意句 博弈论 行为经济学 有什么区别都是实验性质吧 The panda likes to eat bamboo,___it eats leaves too.是填and还是but为什么? 斑马吃植物和草,但是它不吃竹子.翻译 The zebra ___ plants ___ ___ ___ garss,but it doesn't eat ___ 教师节黑板报内容、、五年级、、每篇散文大约50字、、 不要什么诗歌、、要散文什么的、、急、、像这种一样的:是谁-- 把无知的我们领进宽敞的教室,教给我们丰富的知识?是您!老师! 教师节手抄报文章短一点, it would be a good idea if ...,为什么用would,不用will? whose--it be?A would B will C can答案为什么是C 而不是A或B 英语-It would be much longer.和It will be much longer.有啥区别? The girl is very shy,so she likes staying _____.billion alone light air universe用所给单词的适当形式填空 Do you think which hobby____(help)other people Plant are classified based upon the number of seed leaves(cotyledons)in the seed .Plants suchas grasses can be monocots ,containing one cotyledons.如何翻译? 填成语,---虎 鸡--- 马--- ---鼠--虎- -鸡-- -马-- --鼠--虎-- --鸡- --马- -鼠--虎--- ---鸡 ---马 鼠--- 注:“-”为空,要填 帮我忙填成语有些孩子不顾孩子的想法,不顾孩子的情趣爱好,要孩子学这学那,急于求成,结果发而害了孩子,...这里应该填什么成语 有个填成语的,2008年5月12日,四川省汶川县发生8级大地震.该地震波及范围之广,强度之大,在新中国历史上是( )的.灾情就是命令,温家宝总理( )亲赴灾区,慰问灾民.人们子弟兵十万大军( Scientists have discoverd that the leaves of acertain type of (plant) contain a kind of medicine.句中的plant为什么不能用plants呢? 填成语、帮下忙( )( )此( )怎么填阿、好难, 例:详(略)详略得当言()( ) 新()( ) 生()( )前()( ) ()危( ) 天()( )(填反义词,再组成成语) ()your parents ()(read)newspapers every d()your parents ()(read)newspapers every day. 用括号里动词的适当形式填空 1.( )your parents ( ) [read] newspapers every day .2.She and I( )[take] a walk together every evening.3.how many lessons ﹙ ﹚your classmate ﹙ ﹚ [have]on Monday It looks nice.(改为一般疑问句)