
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:49:02
Often后加 have to 句型,要用过去式吗 汉朝与西域各国的商贸往来 中国将什么带向中亚西亚和欧洲如养蚕 汉朝和西域各国的商贸往来,中国将什么带向中亚.. 在丝绸之路上,汉朝与西域各国都进行了哪些商贸交易 汉朝与西域通使后形成了通往欧洲的什么商路 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其尤未悔怎么翻译谁能把这句话翻译成完整的英文句子?谢谢了! mr.wang is ____ father选择题1.mingming and lingling 2.mingming`s and lingling`s 3.mingming and lingling`s 4.mingming`s and lingling 修改病句:骆驼商队将中国的养蚕、缫丝、铁器、纸张、凿井等技术带向中亚、西亚和欧洲. 骆驼商队将中国的养蚕、缫丝、铁器、纸张、凿井等技术带向中亚、西亚和欧洲.修改病句 修改病句:骆驼商队将中国的蚕桑.缫丝.铁器.纸张.凿井等技术带向中亚.西亚和欧洲. Mr.Wang is shaking __(hand)with my father.题目是用所给词的适当形式填空. 应用文写作(1道小题,Direction:You are required to Write an Advertisement in English.You 若图中①②③④分别代表不同的岩石,则它们中形成原因相同的一组是 (解释一下四种岩石是什么,第二题的b为什么错,三的d为什么错谢谢! 如图,在甲乙丙丁中填入三大类岩石和岩浆.说明理由 请写出这四个图的气候类型,并详细说明原因 ____ _____your Chinese teacher and English,Miss Gao and Mr. WangA. this is B. these are 请问哪个对 为什么? What should I do to lose weight?的答语是Take more exercises.还是 Taking more exercises. you had better take care not ____ ____ (play) with peter.RT forget ,you,the,notebook,don't,to,take,with连词成句并给出翻译 工程中的take off 我想买个天梭手表 4000以下 喜欢简单大方点的 哪款性价比较高啊?机械的和石英的都推荐推荐 Bank of China Ltd opened an account in Korean Industrial Bank,Seoul.This account is INDUSTRIAL BANK OF KOREA SEOUL 是什么银行?排名第几位?信誉怎么样? 英语翻译是否能作为一篇文章的出处?作为参考文献应该怎么翻译? bank-of-korea, despite these grave figures presented by Bank of Korea and economic think tanks,the government refuses to admit the approach of recession.这个句子中 economic think take的过去式用法.take的过去式什么时候用took 什么时候用taken..我不大清楚.经常弄糊涂.请大家举1.2个例子.. I ___ carefully but i ___ nothing.A hear,listen B listens,hear C heard,listened D listened,heard 英语翻译in order of 英语翻译原句为:here the energy exchanges are much higher,on the order of millions off electron volts.是不是在某个数量级上? Look!The present is very nice.I can't wait__.A.open B.to open C.opening D.opensB 请问:是不定式作宾补吗? The children can not wait _____(open) the present