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外研版七年级英语倍速课时学练上册B26页中考真题训练第一题As we know ,China is an(.)(亚洲)country. as we know,Englandis __Eurpoan country and Singapore is__Asian country A an;an B an;a C a;a D a:a可是我觉得第一个空应该是用an,E不是元音字母么,为什么用a咧 _is know to all,China will be an _and powerful country in20years.A.as,advanced B.it,advancing答案是A但country为什么是选“ed”的形式 I know china is a great and an old country with a long history 这句话翻译中文是什么? ( ) 1.Britain is ______ European country and China is _____ Asian country.A.an;an B.a;a C.a;anD.an;a 解释like to do sth&like doing sth书上说,like to do sth:“一次性的动作”likie doing sth:“习惯性的动作”请详细解释引号中的两处. like to do sth和like doing sth有什么区别 问一道GMAT数学题on a recent trip,cindy drove her car 290 miles,rounded to the nearest 10 miles,and used 12 gallons of gasoline,rounded to the nearest gallon.the actual number of miles pergallon that cindy's car got on this trip must have been b like to do sth和like doing sth的区别是什么?急用 请教个很弱的GMAT数学题(0.1667)(0.8333)(0.3333)/(0.2222)(0.6667)(0.1250)求这个式子的近似值.答案是说0.1667≈ 1/6 ,0.8333≈ 5/6...就是把他们都换成相近分数后再求解,问题是我现在不明白如何把这些小数 请教GMAT数学题一道29.A computer chip manufacturer expects the ratio of the number of defective chips to the total number of chips in all future shipments to equal the corresponding ratio for shipments S1,S2,S3 and S4 combined,as shown in the f according ot he directions on a can of frozen orange juice concentrate,1 can of concentrate is to be mixed with 3cans of water to make orange juice.How many 12-ounce cans of the concentrate are required to prepare 2006-ounce servings of arange juicea If 1050 – 74 is written as an integer in base 10 notation,what is the sum of the digits in that integer?A.424B.433C.440D.449E.467是10^50 Do you know when the Chinese Communist Party_____?(found) do you know the year ( )the chinese communist party was founded? a which b that c when d on which为什么选c 不选 d 而且 关系代词和关系副词有什么区别啊 !极限的不太明白的! Do you know who(——)the party last year填空 N元集合的M元子集元素和被一个整数整除的问题eg:集合{1,2,3,.,51}的5元子集,元素和能被3整除的有________个? 能被3整除的整数组成的集合的元素? Do you have a party _________(celebrate) the chinese new year?给所给词适当形式填空 client number account number在外资银行里,这2个NUMBER 是一样的吗,或者给个链接 别人打钱给我应该给他account number还是card number account number和card number为什么不一样 rbc银行的debit卡的account number是什么 credit card account number是什么意思 兄弟两个比年龄.哥哥对弟弟说:“当我是你今年的岁数那一年,你刚刚3岁.”弟弟对哥哥说:“当我长到你今年的岁数时,你就是15岁了.哥哥和弟弟今年各几岁?不能用方程 关于二次项的,已知(1+x½)的n次方的展开式中第九项,第十项,第十一项的二项式系数成等差数列,求求n China entered the WTO in 2001,thus ( ) its long-cherished wish to join the global trade body括号里填realizing 我有点搞不懂唉 China became the 14th member of the WTO,thus___it's wish to join the global trade bodyA.realized B.to realize C.realize D.realizing 已知tan(β/2)=0.5.sin(α+β)=5/13,且α属于(0,π),β属于(0,2π)(1)求sinβ,cosβ.(2)求sinα麻烦给出一些过程 China became the 143rd member of the WTO in 2001,thus(realizing)its 15-year wish .如题,为什么不可以用having realized?晤,还有一个,Jose came to borrow my skiing boards yesterday,but it happened that I (lent )them out.为什么不用h China became the 143rd memeber of the World Trade Organization on Decemeber 11,2001,thus China became the 143rd memeber of the World Trade Organization on Decemeber 11,2001,thus its 15- year wish to join the global trade body.A having realized B real 求大神做matlab作业.