
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:35:29
设函数f(x)=ax²+bx+3x+b的图像关于y轴对称,且其定义域为[a-1,2a](a,b∈R),求函数f(x)的值域. 1.We visited our friends last night.(对visited our friends提问)2.He had lunch at school every day last year.(改为否定句)3.My aunt visited our school then.(对visited our school提问) All the students are outside in the ____我急呢!今天就要交.快 请高手帮我分析一下以下几个英语句子的意思与句子成分与其中的词组.1:A large amount of carbon dioxide that we put into the atmosphere every year comes from the process of making and eating food.2: A cow has to be fed and 用所给动词适当形式填空I d' like ( ) the piano.动词:play我填的是playing,可答案是to play,我觉得我的答案也对,应该有两个答案,可“答案”里却只有一个答案,这是怎么回事? 英语词组成分分析tell sth to sb/offer sth to sb/give sth to sb/provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth 等等诸如此类的phrases中prep.短语作什么成分?详细解说一下 3Q 1.若负2≤x<3,则1/x的范围是2.若负12<x<60,15<y<36,则x/y的取值范围是3.设1<x<3,5<y<7,则x-y的范围是4.设x,y∈R,比较(x²+y²)²与xy(x+y)²的大小5.设x,y∈R,比较x²+y²与2(2x- 介词短语在句中的成分mother prepared some cake for me.介词短语“for me” 是修饰宾语"some cake"的定语还是补充谓语动词“prepared”的状语? 在英文中可用介词短语和动词短语来表达交通方式.其中动词短语用作句子的 语,而 用作句子的方式状语. 1.函数Y=|x-a|的图象关于直线x=3对称,则a=2.设非空集合A={x|x^+(b+2)x+b+1=0 b不等于0,b属于R},则集合A中所有元素之和是3函数y=x^-2|x|的单调递增区间是 1. 1. 已知函数图像y=f(x)的图像关于直线x=-1对称,且当x∈(0,+∞)时,有f(x)=1/x,则当x∈(-∞,-2)时,f(x)的解析式为________. A.-1/x B.-1/(x-3) C.1/(x+2) D.-1/(x+2) 2.函数y=|x|/x +x的图 1.2.解方程3.求函数 第三题选神马? 第三题是神马 高一数学:6题,详解谢谢你 几道高一数学题.有详解给分.1.求过点P(1,3)切被圆x²+y²=4截得长为2倍根号3的弦所在的直线方程.2.一条直线被直线m:3x+4y-1=0和直线n:4x-3y-10=0截得的线段中点恰为(5,2),求这条直线的 1.已知三角形ABC的三边a,b,c是整数,其周长为20,面积是10√3,又三个内角A,B,C成等差数列.求该三角形三边的长.2.若 cos²A+2msinA-2m-2<0 对任意的A恒成立,求常数m的取值范围.3.已知三角形ABC的外接 求不等式2分之X-3+6>6分之6X-1 高中英语必修一第20页的题的答案,还有原因.必须要有原因, 高中英语新课标必修4unit3第20页的练习的答案 选择 英语1、Amy( )think animals can thinkYes,she is rightA、not B、doesn‘t C、don’t2、My cat seems ( )scaredReally?Can it feel fear?A、be B、to be C、being3、I am afraid that( )Oh,I am sorry.A、you are wrong B、are you 英语选择呀 求不等式(x-3)\3-(6x-1)\6>-3的非负数的解 不等式3(x-2) 不等式3(x-2》≤6的非负数整数解是? 求不等式(x-3)/2+3>(6x-1)/6的正整数解, 题应该是求不等式2分之x-1-3分之x+1小于又等于6分之1-x的正整数解. 几道英语选择1.I'll be away on a trip.Would you mind looking after my pet dog?A.OK,I've no time B.OK,I'd be glad to.2.---I knocked into a tree when I went to the station. ---I suppose you ____too fast.A.drive B.are driving C.drove D.was drivi 几道英语选择 Were filming by the lake____we saw a small boat coming towards usa since b after c when d beforeMum ,l can't bear the pain lt won't be long ___the doctor comes a while b before c since d asEveryone should remain ___until the film f 几道英语选择 几道英语选择谢谢. 7.6=4(3.7-3x)解方程