
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:52:53
remembered several occasions in the past she had experienced a similar feelingShe remembered several occasions in the past __ she had experienced a similar feeling.先行词是用when还是where呢?答案是when 总觉得用where表示场合更好 I think the new traffic rules are too strict for drivers.So they are.( ),they make the road safer.用however 还是therefore? It reminds me of the days that I spent in countryside里为什么不能用when来引导? 有关进取心的作文1000字以上.求解,请勿抄袭 汉译英 那是我有事以来过的最快乐的一次 it was the most fun that----------------- 有关感念心,责任心和进取心的格言? among the high-risk group of lung cancer___people with a preference for cigarette smoking1.they are2.are3.it is4.who are 气球爆了为什么会响 Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer.请问contributing改成leading对吗? Among the high-risk group of heart disease( ) people with a preference for fat-rich foods.a.there areb.arec.they ared.who are 用支撑造句快 鞭炮在耳边爆炸耳朵一直响怎么办鞭炮在耳边爆炸,耳朵一直响,耳朵还没有知觉了,但是还听的见,要怎么办才好? 支持怎么造句. 鞭炮在耳朵边响患者信息:男 15岁 广东 佛山 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):今天我放鞭炮,鞭炮在我耳朵20厘米左右的地方爆了,能听见东西想得到怎样的帮助:会对耳朵有什么影响? 放完鞭炮后,耳朵一直嗡嗡响,怎么办呢? 维持怎么造句 用支持怎么造句好一点的 哀求的反义词是什么? 秩序怎么造句 If you love someone you say it,you say it right,then out loud,or the moment just...passes you by 出国读esl之后还用在国外考雅思托福么 keep back和hold back的区别 speak back和talk back的区别? I like the yellow coat.but he likes the blue ____.A.coat B.one C.ones D.that该选哪个?讲出理由 同性恋里PTH啥意思啊? 设立军机处的直接原因thanks Susan likes the yellow jeans,but l perfer the blue _____(one) 清朝谁设立军机处? scale 用维持造句 生物有朋友关系,也有敌对关系.小丑鱼,蜜蜂,鸟,熊,海葵,花,果实,鱼朋友关系:( )---( ) ( )---( ) ( )---( )敌对关系:( )---( ) ( )---( ) ( )---( ) 既然不爱了,为什么分手时还要说以后要结婚,无奈前段时间分的手,有个问题一直在困扰着我,分手之前她已经在不断的排斥我,说我不信任她,说我给她压力了,说我不喜欢她(我知道是理由,我