
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:12:17
—What was the party like?—Wonderful.It’s years ___ I enjoyed myself so—What was theparty like?—Wonderful.It’syears ___ I enjoyed myself so much.A.   beforeB.    sinceB.为什么不是A? -What was the party like?-Wonderful.It's years___i enjoyed myself so muchA.after B.before C.wen D.since A:What was the party like?B:Wonderful.It's years____I enjoyed my self so much.A.after B.when C.before D.since选哪个?问什么? 谁有15篇摘抄,格式:6个好词,3个好句,1个好段,1个主要内容,1个感受. 摘抄好词15个好句3个好段1个 谁有人教版高一英语上册词汇表啊 要有音标,还有一定要全哦~ 你喜爱的书就像,,就像 .造句 你喜爱的书就像( )就像( )这是今晚作业,明天要上交的. 造句:书籍就像(),能().如果我是(),我将().都要3句 ..不算难..已知某市的房价逐年上涨,到第四年房价已经变成了原来的1.5倍,假设每年上涨的百分比一样,试求该市的房价每年上涨的百分比.(已知1.5的立方根约为1.1447,精确到0.1%.) 老师评价学生(50字以外)女的成绩不是很好,体育也不是很好,音乐也不是很好 老师经常用“优、良”还有什么字来评价学生作业 I like you so much 应该怎么回答?Thank you to like me“行吗 And I'd like to say'THANK YOU'to the wind as well.标题改写同义句And I'd like to ___ ___ ___ as well. i 'd like to say thank you to Mum!英语作文60字左右谢谢!非常急! 英语翻译请翻译:my dear.thank you at my besides all the time.l am so glad to gare a friend like you.and remember:laughed is a sun that drives winter from the human face.cared for yourself no anybody is wortn to hurts you budies.it's fool and 文言文的题目!谢谢! 文言文题, 扬州郭猫儿,善口技.庚中(清康熙十九年),余在扬州,一友挟猫儿同至寓.比(及至)晚酒酣,郭起请奏薄技,于席右设围屏,不置灯烛,郭坐屏后,主客静听.久之,无声.少之,群鸡乱鸣,其声之种种各 what's this?中的what是什么词性? That "s just ______ I need A.when B.what C.that D.this I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Mr.Smith.A.Oh,no.Let's not.B.I'd rather not stay at home.C.I'm sorry,but I have other plans.D.Oh,no.That'll be too much trouble. Hello,jim.i am having a party this Saturday.Would you like to_____?"_____"里该填什么 like,at,you,perfrom,the,would,party,to连词成句,和说出意思 句子分析:You'd like to go to the party,wouldn't you?would like to 那go to 也是动词啊?那样不乱了吗?谁是谓语啊? 求排比句,短一点的.50字一内的 文言文练习题 求一段名著中经典的排比句段落(50字左右)谢谢 要一个排比句(文学的)50个字就行.,.比如说苏东坡的什么,李清照的什么,陶渊明的什么,文辞优美一点撒~ What are you going to do this weekend?I'mgoing to plant trees.Plant trees?Yes.I need some plants.谁能帮我翻译一下这一小段话!急!~~~~~~~~ different 和difference用法和区别 different和difference的区别和用法