
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:03:44
The good news_______our spirits 填什么填keep out 还是keep on 德语发音求助:关于journalist的发音到底是如何的?听录音开头部分像sure,不是ju:rna:list吗? 德语Journalist应该怎么读?Jour怎么发音? 德语journalist joggen中的J,熟悉德语语音的进这个J发的音是"日"还是"至" sam is tall改为否定句,句意不变 请问管理学学士用英文怎么说管理学学学士 是用Bachelor of Administration 还是 Bachelor of Management 请务必准确 英语翻译是bachelor's degree in administration还是bachelor's degree in managementadministration和management有什么区别可是为什么“工商管理学硕士”是MBA(Master of Business Administration)呢,这里难道不是偏重日 I'm an American boy,wanna find a friend .I'm 17.Living in Shenyang,both my parents are from HongKong.Wanna find a friend who is good at English as wellas Chinese.:))) I WANT TO FIND A FRIEND WHO ARE COME FROM AMERICAI AM NOT GOOD AT ENGLISH.BUT GOOD AT CHINESE.I JUST WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE,WE CAN LEARN LANUAGES BETWEEN ENGLISH AND CHINESE.I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO FINDING YOU! She is tall .she has brown hair.(合并成一句话)she——tall——brown hair I Liket her at First Sight 和 He is a Man Who Can Give You a Feeling Of Security的意思?精确完整点, 煽情的话怎么说?暗恋他,但不知道怎么向他表白,头痛! ! ! 总经理的英文拼写哪个知道拜托各位了 3Q Jim is as tall as his brother改为同义句 句型转换 1.Amy is not as tall as me(改为同义句) I want to know a foreign friend in Beijing I am Chinese Hope to study the other side's language culture each other If willing to leave the contact way Thanks我的英语不好啊 所以才想学习啊- - The news ____ ____ _____ (tell) to his parents for two days 翻译He was grateful that she didn’t tell his parents about the incident i wanna get to know 这里的get get to太多意思了.那位给总结一下啊 英语改错 I regret to tell you the news that he is going to US on good.on good 错了,要怎么改? 有哪些歌谣和童谣(暑假作业)各一个(注明或急!写下来 读拼音,写句子.WO JIAN XIN,ZAI REN LEI LI SHI DE CHANG HE ZHONG,HAN LAI YUE BEI SHI REN SUOZHEN AI. 请问我的这个有什么语法错误吗?帮忙改正下,the primary structure of XG contains pentameric repeat units which was formed by two D-glucose,two D-mannose and one D-glucuronic acid.Approximately onehalf of the terminals D-mannose contain 修改下语法错误.According to “Median Earnings and Tax Payments by Level of Education,2003”,people’ earnings and tax payments have a connection between level of education,which is higher degree is direct ratio with higher earnings and high 一个廖字不要广字头,加一个戈字读什么?如题 新文化运动前期宣传的主要内容是( )和( ),后期是( ). wo de hao peng you ''电视节目''英文怎么说 peng you men hao wo dian nao li de da zi shu ru fa mei you la!wo gai zen yang an zhuang yi ge ne qing gao ren zhi dian hao de peng you ni hao wo de dian nao zuo mian shang shen mo ye bu xian shi ?zhi neng zai ren wu guan li qi zhong xin jian jin ru bai du wei shen mo ? zhao bu dao shu ru fa zhi hao yong pin yin bao qian ! 绞丝旁加一个廖字的里边叫什么?