
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:57:40
The typical cases __________will be introduced to readers to warn them of potential risks.(cheat)消费者被骗的典型事例将被介绍给读者以提醒他们潜在的风险.where customers are cheated.请问这里能不能用同位语从句,为 谁能说一下"sit down"与"sits down"的区别? sit on 和sit down的区别please give me a bench ()A.to sit down B.to sit on为什么选B 不选A 完成句子.I'm so sorry______at such an awkward time,but I really had something urgent to tell you.(call)我真的很抱歉在这么不合适的时间给你打电话,但我真的有急事告诉你.have called you,请问为什么要用have done,不 摘自听力材料:W:How long have you been in the army service M:Twenty-five years.I joined up right after college.W:I have only been in the army for seven yearsM:Looks like you have a while to go until retirement(这句话什么意思呢?) 高中英语完成句子语法问题Be careful with the friends you choose,for you will______(become)因为你会变得像他们一样.请问这个空有几种填法,为什么? 完成句子The better prepared you are for the exam,the less possibility there will be of you letting your parents down.为什么这里要用letting?不用to let?另外“of you”是什么结构, 过去将来时,一般将来时 分别在哪里呢? Sit down,please!的中文意思 as much carbon dioxide as不是AS+形容词/副词,那这个怎么解释 much后不能跟形容词或副词的原级? sit down please的意思 完成句子第七题,第九题解释, 高中英语完型的句子求解释The desire to be connected has brought solitude to an end as we have known it.People have become so reachable in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted even if they`d rather not be. need 怎样区分什麽时候做助动词 还是情态动词 need在做助动词和在做情态动词时有什么区别? 20题,希望有那位好心人解答一下最好有过程谢谢 have后面是过去分词时have是助动词还是情态动词? 德语viel和viele有什么区别?用法? 懂外语的朋友进来一下ㄙㄨㄚ 这几句是什么意思 过去将来时的句子带翻译有好评 德语中不可数名词前的形容词没有词尾变化么?viel是特例还是普遍现象? There are many books in the drawer 改同义句 There are many books in the study?三种同义改写 懂英文的朋友进来一下.Dios Luego nosPerdones 德语 关于vieleViele Leute(有没有这种表述?许多人) 初学德语,问关于 wie wie viel和wie viele的问题1、看到一个例句:Wie gefaellt Ihnen die Reise in Muenchen?为什么要用wie呢?Gefaellt Ihnen die Reise in Muenchen?这样不可以吗?而且die Reise的位置,虽然语法书书上没 ---how many books are there in your h( ---There are tow books. How many books are there in your schoolbag为什么不能写成How many books are i请仔细分析,为什么不能写成How many books are in schoolbag? 三角形ABC 已知3aCOSA=cCOSB+bCOSC (这条可以推出COSA=1/3) ,a=1,COSB+COSC=2√3/3 德语wann和um wie viel Uhr区别如题 关于that,one,the 1.A coat made of synthetic material lasts longer than ________ made of cloth.A.the oneB.whichC.those areD.that is2.Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except__who had already taken them.A.the onesB.someC.onesD.the others