
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 18:55:54
英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译1.美国国会图书馆保存各类收藏达一亿三千多万件.The library of congress has one hundred thirty million items in its collection.2.教练说我应该改掉坏习惯.The coach said that I should my bad habits.3.没有多少 Mary has lived in this city for 10 years.同义句转换 Mary stays in China for 2 years.对 2 years划线提问是2 years 不是for 2 years Mrs.Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years.与Mrs.Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years.意思上有什么区别 y=根号下x+1/x-1的减区间 等腰直角三角形空白部分的面积是8平方厘米是一个半圆,三角形的高是半圆的半径 y=根号下1+x分之1-x的减区间 英语翻译The first step in making a fresh fruit salad is selecting the fruit.you shuold choose four varieties that you like.try to selected ripe fruit,but do not buy fruit is badly bruised or too soft.after you've selected the fruit,choose a crisp 若0小于x小于1化减根号下已知0小于x小于1,化简根号下(x减x分之1)的平方加4加根号下(x加x分之1)的平方减4要过成 英语翻译If the inflammation becomes more diffuse and spreads into the attached gingiva the stippling disappears.If inflammation is severe it can spread across the attached gingiva to the alveolar mucosa and so obliterate the normally well-defined 英语翻译Find you wayIt is not very difficult to find your way from the station to the school .When you come out of the station ,turn left and walk until you reach the traffic lights .Turn left again .You will be on St .Johns Street.Keep walking u 英语翻译i want to know what your classmates think of your glasses?today dad'students sent an e'mail to say he can sign a new job because he is a Party member.he said a Party member ,a predicting Party member.an achieved good university studend wh 伊比利亚半岛中部的温带大陆性气候的成因 计算3分之4倍根号下3分之4 × 〔-18倍根号下45〕 在△ABC中,AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转α角,(0°<α<90°)得到△A1B1C,连结BB1……在△ABC中,AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转α角,(0°<α<90°)得到△A1B1C,连结BB1,设B1C交AB于D,A △ABC中,∠ACB=90,AC=BC=1,将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转角(0 在三角形ABC中,AC等于BC,角ACB等于90度将三角形ABC绕点C逆时针旋转a角,得到三角形A1B1C,连接BB1设B1C交于AB于D,A1B1分别交AB、AC于E、F.(1)当0°<a<90°时,请在不添加任何线段的情况下,找出一对 (根号3减1)乘(根号3减4)x=根号3减2(x加1) 歌曲3分天注定7分靠打拼这首歌名叫什么 150000000改写成用亿做单位的数是( )亿. 菲律宾是国家吗?菲律宾是一个国家吗? 有一首歌里有一句三分天注定七分靠打拼是什么歌 菲律宾的历史,和是一个怎样的国家? 革命烈士 名言警句我要赞扬革命烈士的名言警句! 谁有革命烈士的名言?sdas 关于革命烈士的名言? 革命烈士的名言 英语翻译 英语翻译Beijing (CNN) -- China's legislature meets this week to seal a power transfer to new leaders,but don't hold your breath for signs that the new team will ease up on the tough Chinese foreign policy that has ruffled feathers in its neighbor 我国有小学生116897000人,改写成用亿作单位的数,保留两位小数