
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:39:27
our teacher is very nice的中文 Our g.teacher is very frienOur g.teacher is very friendly.以g开头的单词填啥 南海大班会的观后感怎么写啊? 违背自然之道的故事别是课文和狼 鹿就行(400字) 达尔文 名言 英文的 急 How long has this factory been open这句话转变成这样可以吗How long has been factory open 表达于谦不同流合污志向的诗句是: how long has the factory been open为什么open不用过去分词? 于谦的石灰吟中两句诗"粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间"与文天祥过零丁洋中的名句有异曲同工之妙告诉偶~ How long has the shop been open为什么是been open 而不是been opened How long has the shop__.A,been open.B been opened 答案是B为什么 the factory has been open for twenty years 还是the factory has been opened for twenty years? 南海大班会观后感 明朝的于谦是在多少岁时写的“石灰吟”这首诗? the train arrived (forty minutes' late 还是 forty minutes late the spread for a positive bank account balance这是一个关于银行方面的,如何翻译? 暑假大串联英语答案急! i got to the station late,but____(luck)the train was still there Leave it to Rose to ease the tension. The boy quickly ___ (run)to the train station,but it was too late.My mother bought some pots _____ (grow) flowers.动词填空,请问这两个横线里填什么? exit和leave的区别他们都有离开的意思 有什么区别呢 He got to the station too late to catch the train 请帮我分析一下这句的结构特别是to catch the trainI can speak only a little English I can only speak a little English 这两个句子哪个是正确的,能在帮我分析一下句子结 Drive into the roundabout and leave it again at the next exit我给你最高分 英语翻译Ming and Qing accounts of females transformed into males "were marked by a total suppression of the sexual in favor of the social." 哪首英语歌歌词高潮部分是 if you could remember just remember just remember是什么意思 just remember 翻译后 Just remember汉语是什么a they qusetioned me after the meeting They also visited____ ______(别的地方)after they left the museum 1 We look at the blackbord. 2 They stop the meeting . 3 They sit in a chair ,变为一般疑问句. We must be strict_____ourselves_____our work.