
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:06:05
南海名人读后感 南海名胜读后感 Would you like to go to Sanya for summer vacation?No,I don't like_____.A anywhere hot B somewhere 什么是动词复数和动词单数?是不是就是be 动词am are is 那些? 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.Don't be o____.Please come in! what he said made me surprised这句话对吗不是说两个动词不能在一起吗,而且前面已经是said了,后面不就应该用make了吗 I can't h____you. Speak loudly, Please(根据句意及所给首字母填写单词,完成句子) 英语强人please come in!(首字母填空三道 easy)1.Look!Lucy's blouse is on the c____ line.2.What do you do on F____ Day?3.We always have a spesial m____ on Thanksgiving Day.注:横线的个数不代表单词的个数,就是普通的一 请问这个视频中的音乐名字是什么 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk3MjgzMjU2.html 谢谢 英语音标都会读,但是很多法则不知道所以读单词也还是老读不准.我只知道 s 后面的 t 读浊辅音.其余的就不知道了.上网找看的乱死我了,(ˇˍˇ) The book on the desk is newer than __ in the desk.A.the one B.that答案选哪一个? The book on the desk is newer than in the desk. A.the one B.that that与the one区别选填在than后面 阅微基因简介?阅微基因公司主要服务对象都是哪些? System is currently under maintainance.All service are not available at the moment.Please come back after 15:00.Sorry for any inconvinient 麻烦英语高手的帮帮忙. --may I take your________ ,please?---Wait a moment,please .One person hasn't comeA menu B order C notice D report you can buy food and clothes here中文 l can well belive that 这句话翻译成中文是什么意思 it's a place.you can buy food ,clothes and school things in it.猜谜语这是一个谜语 food and clothes here. however只有在引导让步状语从句时候倒装,还是其他时候也倒装 Did you have fun?英语回答要肯定回答和否定回答 AlthoughY引导的让步状语从句用倒装吗 It was my neghbors wife.she told me fixed that her hushand john was badly ill 的翻译 One_____at her face told me that she was ill A.watch B.view C.sight D.glance How far you live from here.为什么添do和live? Coming home from school that dark winter day so long ago,I was filled with e I live far from here.请问句子成分是否这样划分【I】主【live far from】谓 【here】宾.其中here为名词作宾语.【I】主【live】谓 【far from here】状. 【英语】Although既能连接并列句,又能引导让步状语从句本来以前认为although只能引导让步状语从句,今天看了一本书说也能连接并列句.如果这样的话,给一个带although句子,怎么看是并列句还是 为什么说ALTHOUGH是让步状语从句 She is so ill (that no doctor can cure her).对括号里的内容提问. be patient with sth/sb he inistedthat she was ill seriously and that be sent to hospital.He inistedthat she was ill seriously and that be sent to hospital.是否要在and that 后面加一个she呢?should 可以省略。但问题在于and that 后面be sent to hospital不 为什么太阳和月亮有时会同时出现空中?